“Everything that comes from the heart serves and elevates the soul.”
—Nancy Salmeron
For a couple of months now, I have been feeling uninspired and lacking motivation to continue my Monday blog post and writing for my new book. I told my editor and myself that I needed time away from my writing to spend time with my children this summer. This was partly true, but also I had lost my mojo. Having the kids at home for the summer and wanting to be a mother who was involved in their summer activities, caused me a lot of stress and guilt. I felt that if I focused only on my coaching business, I was neglecting my children and if I only focused on my children, I was neglecting my business. I simply could not win. I felt depressed and overwhelmed at the same time. I felt depressed because I could not be in my traditional business routine. In addition, I felt overwhelmed trying to entertain my children and work on my business at the same time. As a life coach, I understand that feeling overwhelmed and wanting to do too many things at once can kill your inspiration. This depression and feeling of being overwhelmed caused me to shut down, and I stepped away from my writing for a bit. However, now I am back!
It is part of our human experience to feel overwhelmed and lack motivation at some points in our life. When this happens, it is important to step away and reflect on why you may be losing your mojo. This may be a good time to ask yourself where you are going. It is okay to step away and reflect on your dreams and desires and ask yourself if those dreams and desires still have the same place in your heart. It has been my experience that when I feel overwhelmed and I try to please everyone, I shut down and lack the inspiration and motivation to pursue my goals and dreams. Yes, this can be a bump in the road, but I have learned that bumps in the road have a purpose. My bumps in the road have shown me that it is okay to take some time to evaluate if my desires are still valid. It is also important to drop the guilt for losing your mojo. Trust that your mojo is not lost. Your mojo needs oxygen to continue to fuel your dreams. It is okay to question if your dreams and goals are still guiding you on your true path. Feeling overwhelmed and lacking motivation are growing pains. Your soul is trying to encourage you to reflect on who you truly are.
These past couple of months that I have stepped away from writing, I have been reflecting a great deal on my life choices. I have concluded that when I stay still and listen to the voice of my soul, amazing things show up. On the other hand, when I don’t stop moving and listen, the practical voice of the ego takes over and things become overwhelming. Then lack of motivation enters my life. When you are feeling uninspired and are feeling overwhelmed, feel free to step away for a bit to reconnect to your true voice, the voice of the soul that always knows what path to take. Be okay with “not doing” for a bit and embrace the art of being instead. When you embrace being, it will bring you back to action. Be okay with releasing guilt and loving whatever is showing up in your life in the present moment. Know and trust that you will get back on the horse when you are ready. Today, I want to leave you with three tips on what you can do when you are lacking motivation to pursue your dreams.
Feel and embrace the lack of motivation.
So, lack of motivation is knocking at your door. Let it in! When you are feeling unmotivated, accept it. Don’t fight it. Question why you are not feeling motivated. Are you feeling that you have too much on your plate, or are you lacking inspiration? If you are feeling overwhelmed with work, perhaps it is causing your lack of motivation. Losing one’s mojo is a sign that you need to search and discover within. Seek within and discover what you need to bring you back to your work. If you are lacking inspiration, it may be because you are not connected to the true essence of your soul.
Release the guilt.
Let go of guilt and welcome a solution to the problem. The solution may be that you need to step away from the doing and be okay with that for a bit. Seek inspiration outside yourself. Listen to inspirational speakers. Read an inspirational book. If that does not help, give yourself time to go inward and seek what is brewing inside. Let go of guilt because it takes you away from moving forward. And sometimes staying still for a bit is a way to move forward. Reflect and connect to your inner self, seek inspiration from others, and let guilt go out the window.
Reconnect with your goals and dreams.
Maybe, just maybe, your dreams have grown and you feel overwhelmed. Or maybe a life goal you once thought was important is no longer important to you. Lack of motivation can happen because what you were once seeking is not what you desire anymore. Another reason that lack of inspiration stops by is because you feel that your dreams have gotten bigger and you feel overwhelmed. Take time to reconnect with your dreams, goals, and desires because you may have outgrown them, or they may have become bigger and feel overwhelming.
Everything that we go through is perfect and divine for our journey. Trust that lack of
motivation is trying to tell you something about your journey. Lack of motivation may be
asking you to take some time away from action to evaluate what step to take next. What is
true has a way of being connected to the heart. Everything that comes from the heart
serves and elevates the soul. Taking time to listen to the voice of the soul will guide you to your next best move. As you trust that taking a break from activity will bring you closer to your dreams, you reconnect to your source. Remember that the journey to believing, changing, and becoming is not a sprint but a marathon. Enjoy the journey and trust that all is well. It is. Take care of yourself. Until next time, Believe. Change. Become.