“You do not find true joy in the past or in the future. When you immerse yourself in the present moment, you discover that joy is in the now.”
—Nancy Salmeron
“What would bring true joy into your life?” I asked a potential client, who was considering doing coaching with me.
“I don’t know— traveling the world, being financially stable, having my dream home, having a husband,” she answered.  
“Did you know that true joy is not found outside of you but within you?” I said. “What you desire will not bring you authentic joy if you are not happy and content right now. Yes, having all these desires met can enhance your joy, but happiness is not found in money and things or even other people. True happiness is knowing how to appreciate every moment of your life now. In addition, authentic happiness can be found by staying where you are and finding joy and appreciation in the everyday.” I told her, “You do not find true joy in the past or in the future. When you immerse yourself in the present moment, you discover that joy is in the now.”

I believe that many people give up much of their lives and lose sight of their happiness because they can’t seem to disconnect themselves from the past or the future. For example, look at your life right now. Do you have food, shelter, and connections with loving individuals who have your back? You are blessed! Joy is there. Joy escapes you because you are too focused on what you lack, instead of focusing on all your blessings. I am not suggesting that you not seek world travel, financial stability, or a dream home. I am saying that many people make the mistake of believing happiness is isolated. They believe happiness is a dream vacation, money, or a new home. If you believe that happiness is only found in a few specific events, then you have only isolated and limited times for joy to come into your life. But what brings you joy the rest of your life? What brings you joy when the vacation is over, the money is spent, and the home is no longer new? Some of my clients stay stuck in the past because that is where they encountered joy at one time. Many live with the hope that they will find true happiness somewhere in the distant future. Today, let’s talk about igniting your happiness and discovering true joy in the life you already have.  

Find joy in your now.
We are constantly searching for joy. When someone asks you what you desire, how do you respond? Many people respond, “I just want to be happy.” When I ask people what they desire, and they respond to me like that, I always ask for more specifics. Then they say, “I want a better house, a new car, a new job.” At that point, I always remind my clients that joy is not only found in the future. Joy is found in the now. You can find joy in waking up and drinking a cup of coffee. Or you can discover joy in sending your kids off to school. True joy is in these everyday moments that make up your life. Yes, follow your dreams, accomplish all of your goals and desires, but don’t wait to be happy. The fact that you are breathing is a reason for joy!

Stop looking to the past and the future to discover joy.
Many people experienced joy in the past, so they feel that the past is the only place that joy resides. Others may feel that joy lives in the future. They think, “When I get married, finish my degree, and get that perfect job then I will be truly happy.” If you stumbled onto joy in the past, wonderful! But the past is gone and is not coming back. If you are wishing to discover joy in the future, I must remind you that your future is not guaranteed. Appreciate your joyous past and only expect the best for your future but immerse yourself in the beautiful now. Don’t desire to be anywhere else but in the now.

Have a joyful mind.
Joy is also found in your thoughts. As Margaret Thatcher, first female prime minister of England, once said,
“Watch your thoughts for they become words. Watch your words for they become actions. Watch your actions for they become habits. Watch your habits, for they become your character. And watch your character, for it becomes your destiny. What we think we become.”
So, if you become what you think, why not engage only in beautiful thoughts? Fill your mind only with joyful thoughts that uplift you!

Surround yourself with positive, joyful people.
Joy is influenced by the people in your life. We can’t choose our family, but if they take away your joy, you should limit your time with them. Surround yourself with people who uplift you and make you feel great about yourself. Joyful people tend to elevate your vibrations of positive energy and call authentic happiness to your life. You are the company that you keep, so make sure you are in good company.
If you are present and finding gratitude in the life you are living now, joy will appear in your life. Let go of the past and stop waiting for the future to find joy. True joy is waiting for you in waking up to a rainy day and drinking your cup of coffee. A life of joy is not made up of grand events. It’s made up moment by moment. It is up to you to find the joy in every moment. Until next time, Believe. Change. Become.
Sending many blessings and much love your way!