“I learned that the doors that did not open for me were not my doors, and the chapters that ended in my life made the next chapters more interesting.”
—Nancy Salmeron
As 2018 comes to an end, I seek out self-reflection. As I recall the ups and downs of this year, I conclude that this has been a challenging year, but one of much growth. This year taught me much about my soul and the souls of others. I initiated this year with such enthusiasm and vigor and with a “go get them” attitude, which evolved into a “relax and let things come when they are ready to come” attitude. The year 2018 reminded me that life is fleeting, and we are not immortal. Change is constant in our bodies, minds, relationships, and surroundings. Some friendships are like candles that diminish with time and can make you feel isolated and alone. But I also realized that true love will surpass all disappointments and despair when it has the bonds of communication, empathy, and commitment. Out of all the lessons I learned this year, the one that came up time after time was the lesson of surrender. Life reminded me that when things become hard you must let go and trust that all will be well. I learned that the doors that did not open for me were not my doors, and that the chapters that ended in my life made the next chapters more interesting.The year 2018 gave me a glimpse of what I am capable of when I embrace my fears. I was also reminded to trust that I am worthy of my dreams and to push forward and persevere. Now that 2018 is ending, here is what I desire for you in 2019.
May you remember that you are not immortal.
Life is short. Don’t wait to live it. Eliminate “someday” out of your vocabulary. If you have something you want to do—a trip you want to take, a project or dream you want to accomplish, or a degree you want to acquire, do it! At least get started on bringing it to life. We talk about “someday” as if it will appear magically, but “someday” comes when you put action into what you desire. I truly believe that making our dreams a reality is why we exist and that is why we are not immortal. Decide what you want for your life, believe you can accomplish it, and take a step forward in making it a reality.
May you rediscover love, empathy, commitment, and communication in all your relationships.
I wish you love, empathy, commitment, and communication in all your relationships. May love remind you of the bond you have constructed with family and friends. May you discover that all those who stay in your life are committed to supporting you and helping you grow. May communication and empathy always enhance your relationships. And may you remember that without empathy, commitment, and communication, loving relationships end.
May you value the friends who stay and thank the ones who go.
Not everyone who starts with you in this new year will stay. Honor and be grateful for what each friendship or relationship brings into your life, but be willing to understand that some chapters must come to an end. Friendships and relationships are like candles that can eventually dwindle and stop shining. If a relationship or friendship is not enhancing your life or if it’s toxic and taking away from your growth, it’s okay to let it go. Always be grateful for the beauty that relationship brought to your life but be willing to move on.
May you know when it’s time to fight for your desires and when it’s time to surrender.
One of the most prominent lessons I learned this year was how to surrender. I believe I wrote about it a few times this past year. To surrender does not mean to give up. To surrender means that you have done everything you can to reach a desired outcome, and now it’s time for God, the universe, your source to take the wheel and show you the way. As you surrender, you discover that in letting go of a desired outcome more beautiful things show up for you. May you learn to surrender. Trust that when you accept what is coming your way with open arms and an open heart, you will be reminded that there is a higher source that is always working on your behalf.
May you remember to embrace fear and persevere with your dreams.
This coming year I want you to embrace fear. Sit down with it, have a cup of coffee or tea, and then show it the door! I know that fear is a prominent guest in your house, but you must remind it who is the boss. Remind fear that you understand its concerns, but also remind it that you have everything it takes to overcome anything that comes your way. Your dreams need you to show fear the door so that they can blossom and become a reality. This new year persevere by overcoming life’s challenges and seeing the blessings they can become.
Life is ever fleeting, and you are not immortal, so start living now! Remember to bring love, communication, empathy, and commitment to all your relationships. And be wise enough to let go of those relationships that drag you down. Believe in yourself and only expect the best in the new year. Embrace fear so you can persevere. Remember to keep your chin up because life’s challenges will become some of your biggest blessings. May 2019 be filled with lessons that will make you grow. May these lessons show you what you are made of and remind you that you are worthy of your dreams. Until next time, Believe. Change. Become.
Sending many blessings and much love your way!