Accept every negative life situation without resistance. Embrace the negative, accept what is, and watch the situation transform into something beautiful.
—Nancy Salmeron
We have been conditioned to believe that we must stop and resist negative situations that we do not want in our lives. As children we were taught not to tolerate anybody’s disrespect. We were told to fight for what we believe in and not give in—to be strong and not vulnerable. Yet, we fight for peace and war continues. We work to end hunger and still hunger is alive and well. Time after time, the universe reminds us that what you resist will persist. And we resist anyway!
Let me make myself clear. I am not saying that we must not fight to overcome obstacles to get what we desire. Or that we must not be the voice for those who have no voice. We must work to stop the injustices of the world. However, I believe that we add fuel and more negative energy to negative situations when we resist them. To resist means to oppose or to push against something that is happening in our lives. When we focus and push against what we don’t want, we invite more of it into our lives. What we focus on, multiplies. This is because we are source energy that attracts the same type of energy we put out. So, our negative energy attracts more negative energy. If you focus on the negative aspects of a situation, more negative aspects will show up. Here are some tips on how to stop resisting and, instead, start embracing and accepting every negative situation like it was part of your highest good.
Identify why you are resisting a situation.
Why are you resisting? What do you fear? We resist what we fear. We get ahead of ourselves and fear what will be in the future. For example, if you focus all of your energy on how you are not good with managing money, you will continue to struggle with money. Focus on what you want, not on what you don’t want. Imagine yourself being good with money management. When you resist situations or events with negative energy, the universe gives you more negativity. When things don’t go your way, don’t fight it. Embrace it, accept it, and focus on how you can make the situation more bearable.
Resisting does not change your reality.
When you resist something negative in your life, it does not change it. Resistance only fuels it. Again, accept what you are resisting and remind yourself not to fight it. There is no need to become frustrated, annoyed, or mad when things don’t go your way. All you must do is ask yourself what the universe is trying to teach you. Don’t focus on the negative aspect of the situation, because then you will get more negativity. It’s the law of attraction that is working at those moments. Instead, look at the situation with a positive lens and see what could be learned from it and how you can move on.
Accept what is and stop resisting.
Make the best out of anything that wants to take your joy away. Accept that there are people and things you can not change. To be in the flow of life does not mean giving up or being a pushover. Getting in the flow of life means you must create positive energy that lacks resistance, so more positive things show up. This is the secret to attracting less negativity and more positivity into your life.
You are the creator of your life and your creation starts with a thought. Wherever you put your focus, that is what will grow. Your thoughts are energy-based and are directing positive or negative outcomes. When you fight or resist what life brings you, you will only get more of it. Life is hard, but it’s harder if you only focus on the negative aspects of it. You must never fight or resist anything; you must embrace it. Embrace the good and bad moments of life in the same way—with great patience and yearning to understand what that moment is trying to teach you. Work with those moments and you will see how your life transforms. Until next Monday, Believe. Change. Become!
Sending many blessings and much love your way!