“Your happiness is not found in the future; your happiness can be discovered today!”
—Nancy Salmeron
When pursuing our purpose or our dreams, we may become so obsessed with creating a desired future that we forget to enjoy today! We forget that what truly matters is to enjoy the journey to the max, no matter where we are in that journey. Being patient and immersing yourself in the present moment is important. We can focus so much on the future that we forget to celebrate today. Remember that with or without dreams, time will not stop. Time will go by and you will get older, so you must savor every moment. Your happiness is not dependent upon reaching dreams or accomplishing your goals. You can tap into your happiness right now. Don’t dwell on how much you still need to do to reach your destination. Instead, look at how far you have come and give yourself a pat on the back for not giving up. To enjoy the journey more fully you must be willing to learn from the challenges that arise. You must appreciate these challenges because every challenge serves a purpose. Embrace the challenges but living in gratitude and feeling content in your journey should be the goal. Being happy is accepting where you are. Being grateful is loving what you possess or what you have done. When you accept where you are and focus on your blessings, you will continue to advance forward. Here are some tips on how to enjoy your journey to the max and stop seeking instant results.
Live for today.
Living for today means that you decide to welcome joy now and not postpone it into the future. When you live for today, the future takes care of itself. Stay in the present moment and love it. Do what you need to do to accomplish your goals, but practice focusing on each moment as if it was your destination. Look at the beauty around you as you move forward. Count your blessings and savor where you are at. Joy is not found “somewhere out there.” You can find joy in your everyday. What brings you joy?
Celebrate every little victory along the way.
You may not have reached the peak of the mountain, but you are much farther along the path than you were yesterday. Celebrate that! Celebrate yourself for having the courage to get up from every fall. The fact that you are moving forward is a victory. The fact that you failed and learned something new calls for a celebration! These little victories will eventually make you a champion.
Slow and steady wins the race.
Perseverance and determination are the keys to achieving your dreams. Sometimes slowing down to develop strategies and a better plan may gain you momentum in the long run. The idea that a fanatical obsession with accomplishing more and more is the key to success is a false conception. Working harder and faster leads to burnout and frustration, which may take you out of the race. Slow down, feel your soul, and ask your inner voice for guidance about what your next move should be.
Ernest Hemingway once said, “It is good to have an end to journey toward; but it is the journey that matters in the end.” Your destination is not as important as all those little moments that brought you there. Remember, living a life of purpose and following dreams is a beautiful destination, but meanwhile you must love and enjoy your life. Immerse yourself in the beauty around you. Count your blessings and consider how lucky you are to be alive.
Don’t lose yourself so much in the future that you forget to celebrate where you are at today. Move forward at your own pace and remember that slow and steady wins the race. Your happiness is not found in the future. Your happiness can be discovered today! Until next time, Believe. Change. Become.
Sending many blessings and much love your way!