“When you are willing to learn from life, you will discover that challenges become blessings.”
—Nancy Salmeron
I recently had a serious conversation with my husband about the deep issue of how much control we have in this life. In my experience, just when you think you have life under control, life reminds you who is in control.
“Life is in control, and it’s for our evolution,” I told him. I mentioned that this year has been a year of many changes, challenges, deep reflection, and learning. This year brought many blessings, but before I recognized them as blessings they were growing pains. I also shared that he made all of my life’s changes and challenges more bearable. He said that these challenges have made our lives more interesting. I agreed and thanked him for being on my team.
He laughed and said, “I have no choice; you are my lobster.” We joke about being each other’s lobster because it is said that lobsters’ mate for life. I don’t know what the future holds for us, but as of right now the future looks amazing! I know challenges will continue to knock on my door and I will sometimes be disappointed by life, but I also know those challenges will transform themselves into blessings. I want to remind you that the challenges life brings to you exist because life wants you to develop, grow, and expand. As I reflect on my challenges, I can see how I have grown. I have learned to be more patient with others and how to forgive. Due to these life changes, I have discovered how lucky I am to be with a human being who holds my hand as I stumble and fall. Today, let’s talk about how life sometimes does not give you what you want, but it does give you what you need to develop, grow, and expand.
Accept that the challenge is happening.
When challenges surface, you must accept them. Many people will ignore challenges with the hope that they will evaporate into the sky. They will not. The first step, then, is to accept that the challenge is real, and it needs to be addressed. For example, if you are feeling bullied by someone at home or work, you need to recognize that it’s happening. When you identify that something or someone is bringing stress into your life, you will be better able to address it.
Change your perspective.
With every challenge that comes your way you have the choice to proceed forward or to stop moving. Your choice depends on your perspective. To proceed forward, you need an optimistic point of view. Learn to challenge your negative emotions, to eliminate your fears, and to persevere. Believe that you can handle whatever happens in your life. Challenges are where growth starts to happen. As you realize that you can put a stop to people or events that are bringing stress into your life, you will evolve into a confident human being. Let your perspective be one of self-belief and never of self-doubt.
Challenges hold unlimited opportunities for growth.
Have you ever looked back at a painful time in your life and thanked God for having to go through it? I have. Many painful events in my life have taught me something about my strength. These disappointing events reminded me that I can overcome anything that comes my way. As challenges appear in your life, remind yourself that these are opportunities for you to expand to something greater. These are times to conquer your fears and overcome obstacles.
Challenges teach you about yourself and others, so learn from them! As you embrace and accept all the challenges life brings to you, you will be reminded that your evolution is a beautiful thing. When you learn, you expand and grow into who you are truly intended to be. As you identify your life challenges, accept that they are happening, and deal with them, your personal development expands. In life the bad things that happen to us can put us in touch directly with the best things that will ever happen to us. But it’s up to you to be open and willing to see that your life challenges can become blessings. Until next time, Believe. Change. Become.
Sending many blessings and much love your way!