“Loving your work is important in life, but don’t forget to spend time with your loved ones.”
—Nancy Salmeron

As a child growing up in Lompoc, California, I loved my summer breaks. It was not because we went on lavish, summer vacations to the beach or camping by the lake—quite the opposite. My sister and I stayed home while my parents worked the whole summer. My parents were migrant farmworkers, so this was their busiest time of the year. They worked long days, so my sister and I were in charge of making our summers spectacular! Even though we had to fend for ourselves during the summer months, I can’t help but smile when I think of our innocence and the wonderful memories that were left in my heart. I can still recall my feet running on the soft, green grass; playing jump rope with the neighborhood kids; running as fast as I could to not be “It” in a game of tag; and going to the neighborhood pool. These are my summer memories. Now that I have two children of my own, I am blessed to get to spend time with them during the summer months. I am grateful that I can do some fun, summer activities with my children. Activities do not happen every day because I have a business to attend to, but nevertheless we are blessed to get to explore our community and go to the beach.  I have questioned how to balance being a business owner, a mother, and a wife. How does one balance your time with your children, your spouse, and your business during the summer? Trying to keep your business going, as well as dedicating time to your children, tends to be difficult. Today, let’s talk about how to enjoy summertime with your loved ones while continuing to accomplish your professional and personal goals. Here are some tips on how to stay on top of your business as well as enjoying time with your children this summer.

Keep a schedule and share it.
In my family we like to follow schedules. I have told my children that before they get on their electronic appliances they must do their daily chores. These chores include making their beds, organizing their rooms, having breakfast, and washing their dishes. Once this is done, they are free to get on their devices, but they must also include other activities during the day. Because of our weekly schedule my children know what day trips will happen. They look forward to their mother not being on phone meetings when we are on “family time.” Keep a schedule of your day and week and share it with your children. They will appreciate knowing what things need to get done around the house and in your business even though it’s summer. And they will appreciate knowing that you hold yourself accountable for “family time” with no interruptions.

Don’t forget about yourself.
Take a few minutes for yourself every day. Summers are a beautiful time to spend with your family and friends, but don’t forget to spend time with yourself. Go outside for a walk every morning. Read a book or watch a TV show or movie. Think of what helps you relax and de-stress. I love my evening walks and listening to podcasts. Time spent with yourself will make you appreciate your family and business more.

Value your time with your children.
Loving your work is important in life, but don’t forget to spend time with your loved ones. Treasure the moments you spend with your children on summer breaks because these times won’t last forever. Don’t worry about scheduling lavish vacations. You can have a picnic in the park, swim in the pool, or take them out for breakfast to a cool coffee shop. It’s the little things you do with your children in the summertime that will become beautiful memories for them and for you. They will get older, go off to college, and be attending to their own children in the summertime soon enough. Yes, your business is important, but your family—your why—should always be the priority.

Today when I think about summer, I think about making memories with my children. Yes, I have a passion for my business, but that can wait. My children are growing up; summer times with their mother will someday be a memory.  I am grateful that someday when I am gone my children will recall touching the sand and admiring the ocean at the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk, but most importantly they will remember spending time with their mother during the summer, simply living life. Focus on the quality of the time you spend with your children, not the quantity. Put away your phone and laptop and schedule a picnic, a day at the park, or a movie. It’s the little things that you do that will make the most beautiful summertime memories. Stay on top of your business goals this summer, but don’t lose sight of what really matters—your family. Until next time, Believe. Change. Become.
Sending many blessing and much love your way!