“Sometimes life can become unlovable.
Love it anyway!”
—Nancy Salmeron
What is the purpose of life? Why are we here? These two questions have been lingering in my mind for some time now. As a personal development coach, writer, and inspirational speaker, I talk about living a life of passion and purpose. I speak about letting go of fear and taking leaps of faith into sometimes very unclear and muddy waters. I believe that part of our life’s purpose is to seek what makes us come alive. I also believe that our purpose is our reason for being here. We must stay present and savor not only the good, but also the bad and ugly in life because it’s from the combination of good, bad, and ugly that we will learn why we truly are here. As I contemplate where my journey of self-discovery is taking me, I understand that I will stumble not only into the bliss and beauty of life, but also into the scary and horrible of life. We must savor and immerse ourselves in these unpleasant moments because these moments illuminate our strengths and make us treasure the simple, mundane moments in our lives. How could you truly appreciate the beautiful, blooming spring, if you did not experience the bitter, cold winter? Why do we curse life when things fall apart? Sometimes when our life is falling apart it’s for the betterment of our life experience, therefore we should value these moments. Remember, these challenging moments have come to your life so that you can appreciate the ordinary moments. The day-to-day moments will always bring peace and calm to the storm. And what about those moments of true ecstasy and joy? Treasure those too, but remember they are short-lived. Yes, our mission in life is to discover our purpose, yet while seeking our purpose life happens and it’s not always pretty. Today, let’s talk about how to love life when it’s not being kind and lovable to you.

Welcome the situation you are in.
When the bad and ugly of life comes knocking on my door, I peek out, brace myself, and welcome it in. Don’t hide from the bad and ugly of life. Welcome it in and offer it a cup of coffee. As you befriend the bad and ugly of life, you may realize that it has something to teach you. Remember that tough teacher you hated, but learned to appreciate by the end of the school year? You can transform the bad and ugly of life in the same way.

Appreciate the bad as you do the good in life.
Love the bad as you love the good in your life. Be grateful for the experience of feeling pain so that you can better appreciate joy. Cherish and understand that the bad and ugly in your life is not permanent and the same goes for the joy and good in your life. Live a truly abundant life by staying in the moment and not wanting to be anywhere else. Your life will never be defined by those epic moments of joy or tragic moments of pain but will be defined by your everyday moments. Enjoy and treasure these simple, but beautiful moments.

What is life trying to teach you?
The painful moments that bring you to your knees have a lesson for you. What is the lesson? Some of the toughest situations in my life have taught me that nothing is forever. Those moments reminded me of my strength. I have grown as an individual, and my soul has benefited from those experiences immensely. Every negative experience has something to teach you. The trick is to learn the lesson quickly, so that you can move on to bigger and more important lessons.

Difficult, painful moments in life have gotten a bad rap. Yes, they are hard to deal with. Yes, they hurt. But remember they don’t last forever. Appreciate these moments when they come into your life. Embrace them by welcoming them into your existence. Know that they have a lesson to teach you. Learn the lesson and move on. Be grateful for the simple moments of your life so that you can enjoy the peak of the mountain more intensely. Remember, you have a purpose for your life—a reason for being here—and part of that purpose is found in the good, bad, and ugly of life. Embrace and love them all! Until next Monday, Believe. Change. Become.
Sending blessings and love your way!
P.S. My book Believe. Change. Become.: Remembering Who You Were Destined to Be is out. Check it out! https://www.balboapress.com/Bookstore/BookDetail.aspx?Book=749140!