“Create a life you do not need a vacation from.”
—Nancy Salmeron
A turquoise-green ocean stretched in front of me and marshmallow clouds floated above me in a pale-blue sky. Majestic cream-colored sand surrounded me. The sound of the ocean waves calmed my mind and soothed my soul. I was in beautiful Tulum, Mexico—a place where memories were made and reflections developed, which resulted in great discoveries about myself and why we go on vacations.
Why do you take vacations? To get away? To escape from your reality? To seek adventure? I used to go on vacations to get away from my life. I wanted to escape my reality because I did not enjoy it. I used to seek adventure because my life felt dull. But not anymore! I love my life, so I don’t feel I need to get away from it. I enjoy my work, family, and friends too much to want to escape my reality. My life has become an adventure because I am enjoying my journey of believing, changing, and becoming. Our trip to Tulum, Mexico was a beautiful experience that reminded me of why I love my husband the way I do. It brought us closer and made us realize how lucky we are to have each other, yet we did not have to go that far to discover this. Vacationing for many may imply that happiness is found in a beautiful, beach resort somewhere across the world, but today I want to tell you that you don’t need to go that far. If you are grateful for your life and love the people in it, your home, and what you do for work, you may never feel the need to get away. I am not saying you shouldn’t take a vacation. Something happens to your senses and your spirit when you immerse yourself in new, beautiful surroundings. But let a vacation enhance your life experience, rather than taking you away from the life you are experiencing. I believe that if you love your life, a vacation is the cherry on top and not the whole ice cream sundae. Today, let’s talk about how to live a life that feels like a vacation.
Work for your purpose, not just for a living.
I often speak about living a life of your creation by living your purpose. It has been my observation that individuals that hate their jobs are not living their purpose and only look forward to Fridays, vacations, and retirement. Weekends, vacations, and retirement can enhance our lives, but they are not a time, place, or destination where happiness suddenly appears. My issue with looking forward to vacations or retirement too much is that you miss out on life by not being present. Living in purpose is essential to discovering your reason for being alive. As I live a life of passion and purpose, I discover that all my Mondays feel like Fridays and that my life feels like a vacation that I don’t want to retire from. Identify your passion so that it can connect you to your purpose.
Surround yourself with people who uplift and inspire you.
When you go on vacation you will notice that all the people around you are filled with happiness and joy. Excitement is in the air! To live a life that brings that vacation feeling, engage with people who uplift and inspire you. If that is not possible, minimize the time you spend with individuals who bring you down. Be mindful of the energy of those you bring into your life. We are the company that we keep, so only keep those who want to see you happy and soaring.
Actively create a home environment that is conducive to your spiritual growth.
If your home does not rise to meet and greet you when you walk into it, you need to make some changes. When I leave on vacation, I miss my home very much. I always want to come home because I love my home. I feel inspired in my home. When I hear people say they don’t want to go home, I always wonder why. Your home does not need to look or feel like a resort. It simply needs to feel like and be an extension of you. If your home is not feeling like that, seek to make it a place that nurtures and enhances your soul.
The older I get the more I love my life. I love my life because I have discovered the reason for my existence. I love the people who surround me because they make my life more interesting. I feel my home is my sanctuary because it’s an extension of who I am. As you plan your next vacation, reflect on why you are embarking on your trip. Vacations wake up all our senses and show us that anything and everything is possible for our lives. Yet, if you look forward to your vacations more than to your present life, you need to reevaluate what purpose or meaning you are giving to your life. Be grateful, stay present, and love your life every day, not just one week out of the year. Until next time, Believe. Change. Become!
Sending blessings and much love your way !