When we get overwhelmed, we forget what we are capable of.
—Nancy Salmeron

Just last month I wrote about how stagnant and still my life felt. Well, the universe heard my concern and decided to shake things up a bit. My brain is now on information-overload. I have many projects, presentations, and programs that I must work on, as well as a week-long vacation to Tulum, Mexico that could not have come at a worst time. But is it really a bad time, or am I just feeling overwhelmed? I want to scream and pull my hair out. Just last month I was restless because life seemed too calm, and today I am seeking some of that calm. I am seeking time to reflect and be mindful, but fear tells me that I must work, work, work, because I don’t have enough time. My soul intervenes by telling me that I should calm down and relax because my projects always get done. As I try to focus my attention on what brings me a sense of calm, I realize that my soul is right. I always get tasks done, no matter what. Yet, fear has a point. I have no extra time for procrastination; deadlines are approaching; and I won’t have a lot of time when I come back from vacation to do everything that must be done. How do I find balance? One trick I use is to be in the flow, but also have an intention for using my time. As I contemplate on how I will meet all of my deadlines, I understand that I must watch my time. I also understand that I must not lose myself in the doing, so that I stop living and enjoying life. Yes, I have many projects due in the next couple of months, but I also have family and friends to build life memories and experiences with. I need to be mindful that life is fleeting and that the journey is much more important than the destination. So, for the times when you are feeling overwhelmed, here are some tips on how to slow down, smell the roses, and embrace your hectic life.

Prioritize and stay present.
To find balance you must prioritize, and focus on doing one thing at a time. I prioritize by noticing which projects most urgently need my attention. Don’t stress yourself by attempting to do many things at the same time. Do one thing at a time, complete that task, and then move on to the next task. Decide what is most important to attack, and stick with it until it’s done.

Just breathe.
Breathing is my favorite thing to do when I am feeling overwhelmed. Breathing can reduce your anxiety, stress, and even your blood pressure. So, if you are feeling out of breath and out of your element, focus on your breath for a few minutes and remind yourself that you have everything under control.

Enjoy nature.
When all else fails, and you need to reconnect with your soul, connect with nature. When you are feeling overwhelmed, go for a walk in nature. If you can, go for a hike; if you are not able to get away for a hike, go for a walk in your neighborhood. Enjoy the fresh air and just breath.

Disconnect to reconnect with your soul.
Technology can connect us to the world, but can disconnect us from our soul. Be careful of the time you invest in technology, including social media. Designate a time to check your email and social media, and don’t let it consume you. Before I check my email or social media in the morning, I check in with my soul by being with my kids, sending them to school, feeding my chickens, and meditating.  Don’t overwhelm yourself. Everything that needs to get done, will. Trust in that.

Feeling overworked and overwhelmed does not let you give the best of yourself to the world, and in addition it can be detrimental to your health. As I contemplate my state of mind, I am mindful of how I prepare for my week, days, and hours. It’s important that you designate specific hours to work, but it’s as important for you to designate time for yourself and your loved ones. Take that vacation and immerse yourself in the present moment. Be sure to disconnect from devices that not only drain your battery, but drain your soul. Live a life that matters by doing what matters. Be organized with your day, but embrace where your day takes you. Love and be grateful for your busy life, but learn to reconnect with your soul by breathing and enjoying nature. And remember to relax, because things will get done! Until next Monday, Believe. Change. Become.
Sending many blessings and love your way,

P.S. My book, Believe. Change. Become.: Remembering Who You Were Destined to Be, has been published. Check it out! https://www.balboapress.com/Bookstore/BookDetail.aspx?Book=749140.