“I choose to live by choice, not by chance.
To be motivated, not manipulated.
To be useful, not used.
To make changes, not excuses.
To excel, not to compete.
I choose self-esteem, not self-pity.
I choose to listen to my inner voice,
Not the opinions of others.”

I love inspirational quotes. I share quotes as an essential part of my work because they move me, and I believe they can move others. Last night I read the quote above, and I resonated with it one-hundred-percent! It made me realize that our power is found in the choices that we make. It is a tragedy that many people forget that we have a choice to live the life we want to live. Every morning you have a choice to live a life of abundance and gratitude. As I reflect on my life, I see all the choices I made that have brought me to where I am today. Do I regret my choices? No—because those choices molded me to become the person I am today. Yes—because some of those choices brought me great pain and sorrow, although they made me strong. The choices you make in your life will have consequences. Sometimes those consequences teach powerful lessons that are essential to our personal growth. The purpose of this post is to remind you of the enormous power you have and that this power is found in the decisions you make. You need to understand that our destiny is not dependent on the circumstances we live in, but on the choices that we make. If we want to change our lives, we have to work with our belief system and improve the choices that we make. The amazing thing about life is that we always have the power to change anything that is not working for us. That power is found in the power of choice. Here are some tips on how to create a life of your own choosing.

Choose to live a life of choice, not chance.
Are you loving your life? When I think about the life that I get to live, I am filled with joy. I get to create my life. The world sees me as I want to be seen. I choose to live a life that reflects my ideals. If you are waking up excited about your life, you have made the choice to be a creator of your life. Choose to do the things that make you feel bliss and joy.

Be motivated, not manipulated.
Be motivated everyday to live your best life. Don’t let others manipulate you into doing things that cut your wings. If you must, remove people from your life who want to clip your wings. Surround yourself with people who reflect what you desire for your life. Choose wisely who you let into your life.

Be useful, not used.
Be useful, and don’t let others use you. When you are feeling that you are being taken advantage of, make the choice to remove yourself from that situation. Be mindful of what you give and who you give it to.

Make changes, not excuses.
When some of the choices you make don’t result in what you’d thought they would, it’s okay to make changes. Let change fix the situation that is not letting you thrive. Drop the excuses, and embrace starting over one more time.

Choose to excel, not compete.
To excel in what you do is to focus on yourself and not others. Strive to become better than you were yesterday, but don’t strive to be better than anybody else. Focus on your personal growth and not what others are doing. When you choose to compete with others you loose sight of the goal, which is to get better at your craft.

Choose self-esteem over self-pity.
You will make mistakes—we all do—but don’t dwell in self-pity. Choose self-esteem. Trust that you know what to do next. Instead of blaming yourself, choose to forgive and love yourself.

Choose to listen to your inner voice.
There is a voice inside you that must be your guide. This voice is wise, so listen to it when in doubt. Cut down outside noise and the voices of others, so that your inner voice can become your guide.
Remember, our lives mirror the choices that we have made, yet every moment we have the power to make a different choice if we are not happy with what we see. Love your life by executing the choices that bring you closer to what you want your life to look like. When you are not happy with something in your life, make the choice to change it! Until next Monday, Believe. Change. Become.
Sending many blessings and love your way!
P.S. My book, Believe. Change. Become.: Remembering Who You Were Destined to Be, has been published. Check it out! https://www.balboapress.com/Bookstore/BookDetail.aspx?Book=749140.