Your life matters. Your life has a purpose. May you have the courage to pursue it.
—Nancy Salmeron
A few weeks ago, I met with a charismatic, passionate, and determined young woman who wanted to inquire about my work as a writer, personal development coach, and inspirational speaker. I was humbled that she wanted to learn from me. This was not the first time I encountered a woman who wanted to get a cup of coffee together to learn about my work. Yet, I am always amazed by the fact that I inspire other women to pursue a path of personal development and inspirational speaking. This reaffirms for me that I am on the right track and that I should continue to empower individuals to live a life of bliss and passion by living their purpose. As we discussed what makes me come alive, I asked her to tell me about her passions and purpose. She mentioned that she has worked a great deal on herself and has become a woman whom she admires. She believes that self-love is the answer to being a successful human being. I agreed. I felt that she had the capacity to impact the world in a positive way, but I reminded her that self-belief or self-love is a long, torturous journey that we don’t only embark upon on the outside, but that we must also seek deep within to discover. I also shared that this journey takes time and that we must never promise a quick-fix to those we speak with. This conversation made me think about my message of living a life of bliss and passion and connecting it to our purpose. Being in purpose and being a creator of your life is a beautiful thing, but it takes time, dedication, and perseverance to live a life of bliss and joy. When you embark on this journey, you realize that the uphill climbs are tough, but they remind you of your strength. This serendipitous connection with this beautiful, young lady made me realize that I must be cautious about suggesting to you that being in purpose is something that happens overnight and that it’s easy. It’s not easy. It’s one of the hardest things you will ever do. Many have tried and failed. Only those individuals with the heart of a lion stick around to see who they become. Do you have what it takes to pursue your reason for being here? Are you strong enough to face disappointment and give it a wink and move on? Are you determined and patient about discovering who you can become? I believe you must be courageous when you seek to discover the purpose of your life. This journey of self-discovery brings you many trials and tribulations, but will reward you with your “why,” if you stick around and see your purpose manifest. Here are some tips for staying the course to living a life of passion and purpose.
Have the courage to pursue your purpose.
Let courage be your guide to purpose. Your purpose is your reason for being—your contribution to our world. Some are born knowing what their purpose is. For others, like myself, it may take forty years to discover what it is. Following your reason for being on earth may be easier said than done. You will discover many painful disappointments that will make you question your sanity and wonder about your purpose. There will be days filled with fear that will impede you from believing that your purpose is why you are here. You will have many reasons to give up on your purpose. But if you are patient you will discover, along with times of doubt and fear, moments of clarity and courage. Be brave, let courage be your guide, and embark on this amazing journey that will transport you to your destiny.
Be resilient and move forward.
Learn to bounce back when you feel defeated by looking at how far you have come. Develop perseverance by understanding that these difficult moments will pass. Remember that you are powerful beyond measure, and you have everything you need to live a life of passion and purpose. It is part of the journey to encounter failure and disappointment, but it is also part of the journey to bounce back! Understand that your awareness of your purpose comes with setbacks and tribulations that will eventually result in triumphs. Keep on pushing forward despite all the obstacles that you stumble upon. Your purpose is waiting for you, so be resilient and move forward.
Believe in your purpose.
The act of believing that you are worthy of pursuing your passion and living a life of purpose is a big commitment. When you have doubts that you can live a life of bliss and do what you love, more challenges, fears, and doubts are introduced into your heart. Believe without a doubt that your purpose is the gift that you must share with the world. As youbelieve in you, others and the world will do the same.
To live a life of passion and purpose is not for the weak of heart. Many try and fail because they lack sufficient courage. They listen to the voice of fear. They don’t believe that their purpose is the reason they are here. It is those brave souls who follow the voice of their soul, who are determined, and who have courage by their side who will eventually welcome purpose into their lives. Let go of fear, stay persistent, and let your purpose connect you to your destiny. Until next Monday, Believe. Change. Become.
Sending many blessings and love your way!
P.S. My book, Believe. Change. Become.: Remembering Who You Were Destined to Be, has been published. Check it out!