Sometimes your soul will lose its sparkle 
to remind you that you have the power to get it back.
—Nancy Salmeron
As I contemplated starting this year supercharged and ready to conquer it all, the discovery that my soul lacked its sparkle shook me. My soul felt tired. I was in a restoration mode. I am a soul that is very empathetic to other people’s energy. The energy of others empties my battery and negative energy drains my heart. I feel too deeply. I had intended to get back on track with my goals on the second day of the new year. But, my soul’s spark was dormant. I felt the need to seek words of wisdom from a woman that not only guides my writing, but guides my soul to its most authentic transformation. Her words of wisdom let me soar, but also humble me to stay true to who my soul wants to become. She is a phenomenal, authentic, and loving human being whose true gift is to give of herself unconditionally. This woman has been my constant for the last few years. She is wise, and she fully understands my purpose in this world. I shared with her that I had expected to start off this year on fire, but I was struggling to do so. The holiday festivities had put me out of my zone, and I was having a tough time connecting with my soul. I felt stuck and did not know how to move forward. Her wise words assured me that I was moving forward and that I must simply continue to practice going with the flow of life and not against it. This conversation also made me realize that I must act as if what life gives me is something that I asked for, and I must be mindful of the energy that surrounds me. Today, let’s talk about how to listen to and nurture yourself and get your soul’s sparkle back.

Go deep.
When your soul is lacking its sparkle, it’s important to dig deep, even if it’s painful. Who or what is dimming the light of your soul? As I yearned to awaken my dormant soul, I realized that a great deal of fear had surfaced. I was having doubts about my abilities to fully thrive in my purpose. If you are feeling fear, step back and acknowledge the fear, and realize that with some time you will conquer this emotion. The trick is to embrace what you are feeling, rather than running away from it.

Love people who drain your energy from a distance.
I also realized that the energy of people around me lacked vibrancy, and therefore it was dimming my light. There are people who will drain your positive sparkle if you continue to surround yourself with them. I have some loved ones in my life who have depleted my soul’s sparkle. These individuals have toxic energy that they have not acknowledged. Their words don’t match their actions or soul energy.  I don’t know where I stand with them, or if they have the best intentions for me. They say they do, but my intuition tells me otherwise. If you have people like this in your life, I advise you to limit your interactions with them. Be mindful of your energy, because they are not aware of theirs. These individuals don’t realize that their energy speaks louder than words. Since they are not aware of their negative energy, they don’t take responsibility for dumping it into your space. I am sensitive to their pain, but I also understand that I can’t help them because they won’t recognize their pain or acknowledge that they need help. If you are dealing with a similar situation, be okay with stepping back, wishing them well, and sending them off on their life’s journey.

Nurture your soul before any other soul.
We are all here to love, help, and support others. But you must take care of your soul first so that you can help those who are seeking help. Don’t feel guilty about distancing yourself from those who are not willing to admit that they have toxic energy and are not willing to change. Nurture and love your soul by being selective about the people you surround yourself with. It’s okay to stay away from those whose true intentions you wonder about. Pay attention to your intuition. It’s not wrong. If someone does not seem genuine about their emotions it’s because they are not. Let your soul sparkle by nurturing it with love and protecting it from negative energy.

Pay attention to what is dimming your sparkle in this moment. Embrace the good, bad, and ugly of every life experience, but learn the lesson of each experience, or you are bound to repeat it. As I try to ignite my soul’s sparkle for 2018, I am reminded that the people who come into our lives with negative energy are our teachers. Have nothing but gratitude for them. These souls teach us something about our spirits. In my case, they reminded me to love myself a bit more—enough to be okay with letting them go because they took away my sparkle. You are responsible for your life. You can’t control the energy of others, but you can decide who you want in your space. It’s okay to love those with negative energy from a distance. Remember, your soul’s sparkle comes first. Until next Monday, Believe. Change. Become.

Sending many blessings and love your way!

P.S. My book, Believe. Change. Become.: Remembering Who You Were Destined to Be, has been published. Check it out!