“What if you simply devoted 2018
 to loving yourself more?”
—Nancy Salmeron
As we close this year and look forward to 2018, I am reminded of the blessings, joys, love, and tribulations 2017 gave me. One blessing was my health. I value health because I saw my father going in and out of the hospital this year and understand that in health we truly live in joy. I discovered joy when I saw my father overcome some of his battles with illness. In this year, I was grateful for the power of love. I am honored by the love of my family and friends. These beautiful souls are part of my why—my reason for always pushing forward. They keep me grounded and humble; I love them dearly. Without the love and support of my best friend, my husband Carlos, I could not have kept on embracing and overcoming the difficult times that 2017 brought. He was my biggest champion. This man bet everything on me, and his only flaw was to love me even when I felt unlovable. I will forever be indebted to him. Another blessing this year was that I became a published author. Professionally, this year brought a sense of clarity to my journey. Writing the book, Believe. Change. Become. :Remembering Who You Were Destined to Be, paved a clearer path for my future. I am proud of myself for understanding that there are no accidents and that where I am now is where I must be. What lessons did 2017 bring you? What life experiences are you looking forward to in 2018? I invite you to give yourself the gift of self-love in 2018 by embracing my three wishes for you—love, joy, and peace.

The gift of love.
I wish you love—love of self. The greatest gift you can give yourself is self-love. May you wake up every morning loving your eyes, nose, and the rest of your body! As I love myself more, my love for others grows. May you realize that you are a marvelous creation that needs no fixing because you are perfect! Be in love with your mind, body, and soul. Remind yourself how amazing you are. Stand tall, and know that as you see the beautiful being you are, others will see the same. Love yourself deeply and kindly.

The gift of joy.
I wish you joy. Joy is not something we just write in Christmas cards. Joy is something we can experience every day, because joy is found in the little things we do. I find joy in that morning cup of coffee and in kissing and hugging my daughter before she goes to school.  Where do you find joy? Joy will guide you to what is right or wrong for you. So, if something feels good and brings you joy, do some more of that!  May you discover joy through the selfless acts you do for others and for yourself. May joy transport you into passion, and may passion connect you to your purpose.

The gift of peace.
I wish you peace within. I hope you can quiet your mind of its’ constant chatter, so that you may listen to your soul. Put down your phone and engage with the ones you love. Find peace in your decisions, including in decisions to let people go who drag you down. I have found peace in acts of surrender and trust this year. Peace has been my inner guide to difficult decisions that I had to make. Let peace be the light that guides your most difficult decisions and your journey for the transformation of your most authentic self.

May 2018 bring you the biggest gift you can give yourself—the love of self, and may that love be felt by others. Let joy guide you to happiness, passion, and purpose. In the new year, find peace in silence and in letting go of what does not serve you. Trust the journey, listen to your soul, and let 2018 be filled with love, joy, and peace. Until next year, Believe. Change. Become!
Sending many blessings and love your way!