“Allow your passion to become your purpose,
and it will one day become your profession.”
Many of you already know that I used to be an educator. I taught school for over a decade. Although I was content with my profession, I did not feel fully alive. After ten years of being a teacher, I began to ask myself, “Is this all there is? Doesn’t there have to be more than this?” I asked these questions constantly. I felt hopeless and lonely because I did not know anybody else who had these questions. In search of an answer to my questions, I enrolled myself in a master’s degree program to become a school principal. This was a common practice among educators who were seeking change in their lives. I thought that getting a master’s degree in education and becoming a school principal was going to take away the empty feeling in my heart. Two years after I enrolled in the master’s program, I graduated with honors and applied to school administrative positions in my county. But as my faith would have it, God had a bigger plan for my life. God’s plan was for me to share the message of living in purpose, of seeking what makes us come alive. If you want to read in more detail about how I transitioned to personal development/inspirational speaking and writing, check out my book, Believe. Change. Become.: Remembering Who You Were Destined to Be.
Today I want to reminisce about my journey to discovering my true purpose—my passion—my mission in life. We all have a purpose for our lives. A gift was given only to you for you to share with the world. Have you thought about what your gift is? Have you asked yourself, “Is my current life all there is for me?” If you have asked this question, you are seeking purpose and meaning for your life. When one starts asking these questions, it is because our soul has awoken. I wrote in my book that for many years my spirit stood silently by, watching me make decisions based on the beliefs of my parents, society, and the outside world. I had a comfortable existence as an educator. I had weekends, holidays, and three months out of the year off, and I had a good salary. I was successful in the eyes of many people. I felt guilty and ungrateful. I come from a very humble family. My parents harvested the crops in the fields of Vernalis, California, and I used to help them out in the summers. I had come a long way from working in the fields with my parents. To add to my guilt, I was a “maestra,” or teacher, which has the status of being a doctor or a lawyer in the Mexican community. I knew many family members and friends who would have loved to have had my position. My problem was that despite being in a noble, respected profession, I was not living in my purpose. How can you know if you are not living in your purpose and are seeking it? I invite you to consider and reflect upon the following points.
You are seeking purpose when you ask: “Is this it?”
During my final years of teaching, I was constantly asking myself this question. I would wonder about my future. I could not talk to my friends or colleagues about my concerns because I felt that they would not understand. I felt strange and out of place. I was unhappy, and all the material things that I had been promised would bring me joy, did not fill the void I felt. If you are asking yourself this question, seek within, quiet the mind, and see what response arises. The response my inner voice gave me was to pursue an awesome career choice, an idea I had had as a young woman. You see, in my twenties, I had great admiration for the inspirational speaker and life coach, Tony Robbins. I loved to empower people to believe in themselves. I did this with great ease. People came to me for advice. Unfortunately, I did not know how to go about being a personal development coach or an inspirational speaker at the time, so, I did not think it could be a possibility for me. Years later, when I finally stopped looking outside to others for the answer to my question, “Is this it?” I got the answer I was seeking, which was a reminder about my dream and passion of inspirational speaking and coaching. If you are feeling that there is a void in your life, let me remind you that you must pause to listen to your soul, and pursue what your soul tells you. And if you are still struggling with what your purpose might be, try answering this question: “What makes you come alive?”
You are seeking purpose when: You’re not waking up excited in the morning.
Do you hate Mondays? Do you wish you had four-day weekends? Heck, do you hate to get up every day! If you are not excited in the morning, then most likely you are not living in your highest purpose. If this is you, you must ask yourself what would make you love to wake up? What excites you? What would you do for free? I love to talk, write, and inspire. I have done it for free on many occasions. Your purpose is something that awakens your soul and inspires others to do the same. When you live in purpose, people can’t stop wanting to be around you. Something magical is in the air. I get chills when I encounter people who are fulfilling their mission of living a passionate life. I love to see how their magic moves others.
You are seeking purpose when: You don’t feel your life is fulfilling anymore.
I had a lot to be grateful for as an educator, yet my life felt empty. If you are feeling empty, you are most likely not connected to the meaning of life. If you are following societal norms, or only doing what others see as success, you are following the herd. I did this for many years; I was part of the herd. Count your blessings, but if you are unhappy, seek more for your life. Don’t let guilt consume you. It’s your human right to meet your life goals and to live your dreams out loud!
You are seeking purpose when: You are working in a career or job that takes away your energy.
If the primary purpose of your job is to get a paycheck, you are probably lacking purpose and meaning in your life. If you are counting the days until Friday and hating Mondays, you need purpose. When I started to ask the question, “Is this it?” I dreaded Mondays and counted the days to Friday. I felt drained of energy. I loved summers and did not look forward to starting the school year. If this is happening to you, take charge of your life and move in the direction of your purpose. I did, and it put me on an unexpected, sometimes-roller-coaster path, which I have learned to love.
If any of the above resonates with you, your purpose may be trying to find you. Quiet your mind and listen to your soul. Your soul knows your purpose. Until next Monday, Believe. Change. Become.
Sending many blessings and love your way!
P.S. My book, Believe. Change. Become.: Remembering Who You Were Destined to Be, has been published. Check it out! https://www.balboapress.com/Bookstore/BookDetail.aspx?Book=749140.ur purpose.