“And in the end, it’s not the years in your life that count.
It’s the life in your years.”
—Abraham Lincoln
I have shared on a few occasions that my aging father has been in and out of the hospital a couple of times this year. A few days ago, I went to visit him at my parents’ home. As we caught up on his health, I shared that he must stay positive and keep on believing that he will get better. We also talked about his regrets in life. He shared that he wished he had given me and his other children more of his time. He wished he had followed his passion for singing. He mentioned that his biggest regret was that he let fear control his life. This very insightful conversation made me think about today’s topic, a life without regrets.
Let’s talk about what it means to live life without regrets. It is my belief that we make life harder than it really is. The older I get the more I understand that certain beliefs and principles can simplify life. These beliefs include: Love should always be our compass: staying in the moment will guide our future; staying close to the ones we love makes us happier; going with the flow does not mean that we can’t express our mind; and we have not lived unless we have pursued our dreams. I believe these principles are essential for living a life of joy. They are all equally important. What matters to me is that if I am asked at the end if I lived a happy life, I want to be able to say, without a doubt, that I chose my life and never settled for it. I did it my way!
Read on to learn more about what I view is essential for a happy life.
Pursue your dreams and not the dreams of others.
To live a life that truly matters you must pursue your dreams and not what your parents, family, or friends desire for you. Some dreams may involve the material world; others come from the heart and seek purpose and significance in your life. Your purpose is as unique as your thumbprint. Your true calling or purpose was given to you for you to follow. Following your purpose makes you come alive. What makes you come alive? For me, it’s empowering individuals to believe in their dreams and follow their purpose. We all have different callings. For some, it’s to be an educator, doctor, scientist, or mother. Your purpose does not have to be grand in a way that society defines as being successful. To be successful in life you just need to follow your heart and your bliss. Do what you want to do because you love it. If you want to be a mother and love that role, pursue it with passion, and be the best mother possible.  Your purpose should bring you joy and contribute positively to others’ lives. How many people you impact does not matter. What matters is that you make someone else’s life better because you were born.
Work less, and stay close to the ones you love.
My father’s biggest regret was that he did not spend a lot of time with his children. He spent much of his time working. Work less and spend time with the ones you love. Life tends to move quickly. When you have children, you notice how the years fly by. Be careful with your time. Dedicate time to the ones you love. Make a conscious choice to spend quality time with them. Yes, we get busy, but let go of the things that take away from bonding with and loving the special people in your life. It is said that on our death beds we will regret the time we spent working but never the time we spent with the ones we love. Have no regrets! Spend time with the ones that fill your heart now.
Go with the flow.
When you go with the flow you understand that you are being guided toward what is best for you. Work for what you desire, but be wise enough to know when to surrender and go with the flow. As you go with the flow, you will discover that there is a better plan for your life than you ever imagined. When you trust in God—in the Universe—you discover that life is not so complicated. When you let go and trust, life becomes effortless and more rewarding.
Express your mind.
If you express your mind, then you will not die with unshared ideas or thoughts that could have changed our world. Be mindful of your thoughts, and express only those thoughts that empower and uplift others. Express thoughts that support love, empathy, and compassion. When you do, you give the opportunity for others to do the same. Even if you have negative or fearful feelings, know that you have the right to express them. Don’t hold onto anger or resentment; express it. Be open with your thoughts and world views, but never impose them.
Enjoy each moment.
Savor every moment. Both good and bad moments should be cherished because they are fleeting. Stay present and focused. As you live consciously every moment, you realize that life is beautiful. Even when pain and suffering make a visit, they too, will transcend into something better. Stay in the moment by reminding yourself that the present moment is all you have. The past is gone. The future is never guaranteed. We can only count on the present.
Let love, not fear, lead the way.
When you decide to be led by love, you will bring prosperity and joy to your life. If you choose to follow fear, you will bring uncertainty and hardship into your life. My father let fear stop him from pursuing a singing career, and now he regrets his choice. Fear is what society and the world teach us, but love is the emotion we are born with. Let go of fear and embrace love. It feels better, and it’s better for your health.
There is a reason for your life. It is to live in joy and purpose!  You will find joy when you choose love and enjoy each moment. You will discover your purpose when you decide to believe in your gift. Express your mind, but also learn to go with the flow of life. Last, but not least, remember to live in purpose because that is why you are here. Your purpose is the gift given to you to share with the world. Make sure you discover your gift, and give it to others.  Until next week, Believe. Change. Become.
Sending many blessings and love your way!

P.S. My book Believe. Change. Become.: Remembering Who You Were Destined to Be is now available.  Check it out at https://www.balboapress.com/Bookstore/BookDetail.aspx?Book=749140!