“We cannot become what we need to be 
by remaining what we are.”
-Max DePree

Time and change have taken my baby and are transforming her into a young lady. My nine-year-old daughter, Miranda, will be turning ten years old in a few months. Last week I told her that we needed to start to focus on the theme of her birthday celebration. I like to take a few months to find decorations, invitations, and all the materials needed for a great party. Since we have a large family, every year we have a big birthday party with fifty-plus guests. It’s a very elaborate celebration. For the last nine years the themes for her birthday parties have been Disney Princesses. It’s a great time with family and friends and something that we all look forward to every year. But this year the tradition will end because my daughter asked if she could have a spa birthday party with her best friends instead. I tried to convince her to not change the tradition, but I quickly realized that I was fearing and fighting change. I wanted my little girl to still want Disney Princess theme parties, but she is growing up. She is seeking change, and change is inevitable. I was surprised at my resistance to her growing up. I, someone who advocates change and who understands that we must seek change if we want to grow, am truly having a tough time letting her grow up. I understood why fear appeared in my heart. Fear appears in our hearts because change and fear go hand in hand. We fear the unknown that comes with change. I told myself that it was normal to fear change, but I also reminded myself to embrace it and not fight it. Here are three tips on why or when you should seek change and not fight it.
Seek change when you are seeking self-improvement.
Are you doing something that is compromising your true potential? There is true greatness in you that needs to be uncovered so that you may fulfill your best self.  Are you seeking to move up in your career? Are you seeking a different career? Do you want to get healthier? Then you must pursue change. In these cases, change is essential for your personal growth. You are actively pursuing change because you understand it will result in a better you. This type of change will happen when you go after it.  Yes, making changes for your personal growth can be uncomfortable and requires a lot of work, but it’s necessary for you to discover your true self.
Seek change for a better life.
Are you happy—I mean happy, not just content—with your personal relationships with your children, partner, and family? If you said yes, skip this section. If not, then you must seek change. I believe that in personal relationships you should never be only content. In these areas, you should seek happiness. The trick to being happy with your relationships is to be the change. Remember a couple of weeks ago, I talked about being the change you want to see? Well, you must apply that same principle in your personal relationships. Don’t seek to change others; seek to change yourself.
When change finds you
Change is inevitable. You don’t need to seek change all the time because it will find you. Change that finds you can be an unexpected death, divorce, or job loss. It’s the way life reminds us that nothing is constant and that nothing is forever.  Again, I know it’s scary, but in the end you will see that change was necessary for a new beginning. In my case, my little girl is growing up. I knew she would grow up, but it caught me off guard. This unexpected change reminded me of my mortality. It reminded me that change is part of life, and that I must embrace it. I was also reminded that I must embrace who my daughter is becoming and continue to support her in her growth. She was my beautiful baby. Now she is becoming a beautiful young lady. Change can open doors to ever more wonderful things, if you decide to accept it graciously.
If you want to have a life of daring and adventure, embrace change. Don’t fear it. Change reminds us that we are mortal; nothing is constant in our lives. Also realize that change exists to push you to do new and wonderful things in your life. Change also shows you what you are made of. Change may push you to your limits, but it will also make you limitless.  Until next Monday, Believe, Change, Become!
Sending many blessings and love your way!
Nancy Salmeron😊