“Your tribe should reflect who you are or who you aspire to become.”
—Nancy Salmeron
“You are the average of the five people you spend most of the time with. If you want to pursue life goals and dreams, surround yourself with people who believe in you and empower you,” I told a young lady who asked me what I thought about tribes. She had shared that she felt her friends were not goal-oriented like she was and wondered if she should find new friends. I reminded her that people who reflect who we desire to become should be part of our tribe.
What is a tribe? The definition of a tribe according to Webster’s New World Dictionary is a group of people or a community with similar values or interests; also, a group with a common ancestor or a common leader. I am very fortunate to have a tribe of beautiful women and a couple of men who inspire me to push harder and believe in myself. These women see something in me that I sometimes forget to see—my sparkle—which shines brightly when I inspire others to dream big and believe in themselves. They remind me that my true gift is to inspire untapped potential in others. They are fuel for my purpose; these souls bring me back to life when my heart breaks due to life and business disappointments. Having a tribe has made me become more vulnerable. Because of these individuals, I have been humbled enough to understand that we are not meant to follow dreams alone. We are all here to support each other. I love my tribe because they reflect my soul. We speak and feel in the same way. We believe in building people up. I am blessed to have met these souls on my journey to my becoming. Who is in your tribe? Today, let’s talk about why it is essential for you to have a tribe when you are pursuing dreams.
We were never meant to do life alone.
It is part of the human experience to seek help and support from others. We need each other to fully thrive. When I was a child growing up in Mexico, I remember my grandmother getting water from the river with her tribe. These women were her comadres, or the godmothers to my dad, uncles, and aunts. They were women that she shared her fears, joys, and concerns with. Your tribe is there to support you with the good, bad, and ugly of life.
Your tribe reflects who you are.
Look around you. Does your tribe reflect your beliefs and ideals? We are energy and we attract who we are. My tribe are individuals who are seekers. They question life and are not afraid to challenge norms. They mirror many of my beliefs. If you are not happy with your tribe, it’s possible that you are not happy with who you are. The people who are in your life resemble who you are. If you are not happy with people who are simply taking up space in your life, work on yourself so that you can be the person you want to be. Then you will attract the people who are right for you.
Your tribe will help you when you are drowning.
Your tribe knows when you are drowning and will not only throw you a life preserver but will teach you how to swim. These individuals are happy to see you soar. They are individuals that let you be who you truly are. They let you be totally vulnerable; they encourage it! Look around you. Do you have these types of people in your life?
Your tribe is honest with you.
In life you need people around you to tell you when your behavior is not reflective of who you truly are. They calm your fears and shake you up a bit when they feel you have lost touch with the reality you desire. They want the best for you and are willing to show you your flaws so that you can fix them. These souls are not afraid to be honest with you and are willing to challenge your beliefs.
In conclusion, the word tribe has become a cliché because many people use it lightly and believe that anybody and everybody should be in your tribe. However, you must be selective of who you include in your tribe. Only the people that truly care about your personal and soul development belong in your tribe. Watch and feel their true intentions. Ask yourself if the people around you reflect who you aspire to be. Do they value what you do and who you are? Remember, you are the average of the five people you spend most of your time with. Spend your time wisely. Until next time, Believe. Change. Become.
Sending many blessings and much love your way!