“Follow your bliss.
Choose to live your passion
Find your true north.”
-Nancy Salmeron
My name is Nancy Salmeron, I am the founder of BELIEVE. CHANGE. BECOME. Two years ago, I started writing on blogger. I introduced myself then, but today I want to reintroduce myself again so that you can better understand my mission and so you can to be aware of some of the changes that are coming. In my past life, I was an educator, in my current life I continue to teach, but now I am teacher of life. Today, I am an inspirational speaker, writer and a personal development coach. I help individuals come alive by helping them identify their passion and supporting them with their dreams. My purpose for these posts is to support and empower you with your dreams and life goals. I also want to awaken you to the possibility that there are no limits for what you desire. That the limits you see are only in your mind. It is my mission to help you remember what your dreams were and to remind you that they are meant to be accomplished. It’s imperative that you understand that you first must BELIEVE in yourself and your dreams. Then you must act and apply CHANGE to BECOME who you were destined to be.
Currently, I blog every Monday and this will stay the same. To guide and support you with your dreams and life goals, I have decided to focus on a monthly theme. For example, starting next month I will focus on BELIEFS. You will learn why believing in yourself and your dreams is essential to making them come true. You will also be able to understand why certain beliefs can stop you from reaching those goals. We will work on your mindset. Follow me on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube because, I will provide Transformational Wednesday videos on YouTube, daily motivational quotes on Instagram and on Facebook I will go live monthly with Q and A’ Fridays to support you with your BECOMING. I am very excited for these changes that will only enhance the possibilities for me to be more successful in getting you on your way to the life of your dreams.
I want to close by reinforcing that your life has a purpose. There is a reason you are here and it’s not just to pay bills and die. There is more to your life, you have a special mission you must accomplish. There is a special gift or talent that only you have that is a gift to the world. What makes you come alive? What is your reason for being here? My reason is to empower you to fulfil your destiny. My reason is to remind you that you are no accident, you are no mistake. The world is waiting for that special gift that could change the world. Your journey to the peak of the mountain, will not always be sunshine and rainbows, but it’s in the rain and thunderstorms that you will learn to dance. I believe that everything is possible for you. I also believe that only those who BELIEVE in their dreams, act and apply CHANGE will get to BECOME to fulfil their destiny. Let this be you. Will you join me to BELIEVE. CHANGE. BECOME? See you next Monday!