“The energy of the mind is the
essence of life.”
“Why do these things always happen to me?” A potential client asked me. “Things never work out for me.” She continued.
“Stop and be mindful of your words.” I told her.
“My life changed when I started to be more conscious about my thoughts, words and actions. I am a believer that we are magnets of positive and negative energy. When we emit positive energy, we attract more positive energy. When we dwell on negative energy we attract more of it. Why don’t we focus on what is going right in your life to see if we can move into a more positive vibration? I promise you it feels better and you will be glad you did.” She agreed and the conversation ended in a very positive note.
Today I want to talk about how to attract positive energy in to your life. Here are some tips on how to stop circulating toxic negative thoughts and start circulating positive thoughts, that in return will reward you with a more positive life.
Self- love is key.
Some of the things you tell yourself you would not tell your worst enemy. Love and accept yourself as you are. When I coach clients about self- love I remind them of the many obstacles that they have overcome. What about you? What obstacles have you overcome? Be proud of all that you have done. Be proud of all your accomplishments.
Let love take lead.
There are two emotions that guide our lives love and fear. When love guides your life your energy flow is positive. When fear rules your life the energy flow is toxic. There are many doubts, many questions. Let love be the antidote to fear.
Develop an attitude of gratitude.
To have positive energy flow let the universe know how much you appreciate what you already have. Be grateful for your breath, your health, home and loved ones. It’s these things that make you attract more blessings into your existence. What are your blessings? Make a list and be grateful for the health and well being that is coming your way.
Let go of past resentments.
It is time to let go of all past resentments. You don’t need to be a prisoner of the past or others. It’s important that you learn the lesson so that you don’t repeat it, but you must move on. When you release past disappointments, you will quickly move into a positive flow. It’s also important that you forgive yourself for mistakes you made in the past. Again, reflect and learn the lesson.
Choose your words wisely.
Your words set your reality in motion, therefore choose them wisely. Do not speak of words of lack only words of abundance. Do not speak of what could go wrong in your life, but what is right and what will go right. Your words and thoughts are powerful. Be mindful of what goes in your mind and out your mouth.
When we dwell on the negative we attract more of it. This will in return take away our positive energy and give us more negative energy. It starts in the mind, becomes words and take form in our actions. Be the creator of abundance by manifesting abundance, joy and love. See you next week where we delve deeper into how to develop an attitude of gratitude and why this is important to creating dreams. Until next time Believe. Change. Become.