“We develop courage by seeking more challenges and embracing the unknown.”
—Nancy Salmeron
While waiting in line to pay for my groceries, a sweet lady who appeared to be in her late sixties, asked me what I did for a living. I responded that I was a personal development coach.
“What is that?” she asked.
“I empower people to pursue their passion and identify their purpose,” I said.
“How long have you been doing that?” she questioned.
“For a few years,” I answered.
“What did you do before?” she asked.
“I was a teacher,” I said.
“Do you like being a coach?” she asked.
“Yes, it’s my passion,” I responded.
“You left a prosperous career in education with a 401(k) to pursue a passion?” she said in disbelief.  “WOW, you are brave!”
I laughed and said, “I have been called foolish and even crazy by a few people. Thank you for the compliment.”
It has been said that courage is a love affair with the unknown. In my case, at first, I did not have a love affair with the unknown. I had a love-hate relationship with the unknown. In the beginning of my journey to becoming a coach, I hated the unknown because I feared failure. I did not understand that failure is how we better our craft. I felt I lacked courage because I was afraid all of the time. Yet, I moved forward despite my fears.
Courage is defined as the ability to do something that one is afraid of. It is the choice and willingness to confront agony, pain, danger, uncertainty, and intimidation. With courage by our side we develop strength by facing pain or grief. Courage means to move forward despite fear. How do we develop courage? We develop courage by seeking more challenges and embracing the unknown. Courage is the act of acting even when you are afraid. Courage is about conquering fear to develop wisdom and strength.  As you recognize and challenge your fear, you remember who you truly are. When you make the choice to live in courage, you have made the choice to live fully. Courage, passion, and dreams are related. You need courage to pursue your passion or dreams; you will become brave when you persevere despite fear. Today, let’s talk about how to face fear and overcome obstacles by becoming more courageous.

Follow your heart.
One of the first steps to becoming brave is to identify and follow what is in your heart. Yes, you should follow your passion because your passion is what makes you extraordinary and triumphant at conquering your fears. What makes you come alive? When you follow your heart, you will discover that fear will try to stop you, but your passion will keep you moving forward.  

Let go of the known and embrace the unknown.
In the beginning I was not comfortable with the unknown. I hated not knowing where my next paycheck would come from. As a teacher my clients (students) came to me, and my paycheck was guaranteed the first of every month. I struggled to surrender to the unknown. You must surrender to the unknown as quickly as you can to become brave. When you trust not knowing, fear disappears and beautiful things come along.

Feel the fear but do it anyway.
Do it afraid! Yes, feel the fear and do it anyway. To be brave does not mean that fear does not come into your heart. Fear is present every step of the way. Fear and courage collide until finally fear disappears. Be brave by acknowledging that fear is a natural emotion that will eventually transform into courage.

Persevere with patience and dignity.
If you want to develop courage, you must be ready to fail again and again with dignity. Being brave is understanding that you will not succeed the first or second time, but if you persevere, you will eventually succeed. One of my favorite expressions about developing courage is that you must always fail forward. This means that you understand that as you fail you are learning and moving forward. To become brave is to persevere with patience, perseverance, and dignity.

You have the heart and strength of a lion and the wisdom to conquer everything that holds you back. Remember, courage is something you can acquire if you choose to act despite the fear. The act of pursuing your dreams and passion despite your doubts and fears will make you brave. So, identify your passion, follow your dreams, get comfortable with not knowing, and persevere with determination and dignity. Know that you are brave! Until next time, Believe. Change. Become.
Sending many blessings and much love your way!