“Following your intuition requires you to trust in and love yourself.”
—Nancy Salmeron
“I knew I should have listened to my gut feeling! Something about that person did not feel right.” Have you ever said this to yourself?  Your intuition is constantly seeking to get your attention, but your practical mind gets in the way. Albert Einstein said, “The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant” We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift. We think too much and feel too little and choose to ignore obvious signs that could prevent us from experiencing pain and suffering. According to Psychology Today, intuition is the process that gives us the ability to know something directly without analytic reasoning.  It bridges the gap between the conscious and unconscious parts of our mind and between instinct and reason. Your intuition is very powerful. It’s the gentle push you feel to take a certain path or the gut feeling in your stomach that something is wrong. Your intuition is the observer; it speaks in a quiet voice.  It does not push for attention and that is why you may miss or ignore it. Your intuition is your inner compass, which knows what path to take and understands why you should take it. To connect with your intuition, you must be connected to your senses. You need to get out of your head and pay attention to your gut feelings. How can you learn to do this?

To gain a better connection with your intuition you need to calm down, get quiet, and meditate. Meditation will connect you with your higher self and your senses. You don’t need to do an hour of meditation. Ten minutes to start will do. Sit in a quiet place and focus on your breathing—the simple in and out of it. The goal is to focus on your breathing and not on your thoughts. If a thought appears, observe it and let it go without judgement. Notice the sensations that also show up and immerse yourself in them. For example, if you feel uneasy or uncomfortable about a person or place pay attention these emotions have a message for you.

Go inward and trust your gut.
Feel, don’t think. You may sometimes feel the urge to do things for no apparent reason. For example, it’s not logical that you want to go to a coffee shop that is out of your way, but you do anyway. To your amazement you run into an old friend who tells you about a work position that is opening and that you would be perfect for. Your intuition is always working for you. Follow it and don’t question how logical it is.

Write down your feelings.
When you are unclear about a choice you must make, write down your feelings about it. Then put your writing aside for a while and come back to review it when you are ready to see what your intuition is trying to tell you. In cases where the choice is still not popping up, I have discovered that the ego has blocked the message. Don’t over-analyze the choice. Go with the choice that feels right and good.

Be in tune with your environment.
Staying in the present moment is key to connecting to your intuition. Use your senses and pay attention to feelings of calm. When you are in the present moment your intuition will not be blocked by focusing on the past or future. Your attention and intuition will be present in the moment.
Following your intuition requires you to trust and love yourself. To master your intuition, you must listen to it. 

The more attention you give to your intuition, the more you will recognize it and use it. Meditation will help you connect to your intuition because it focuses you inward. Writing down your feelings and seeking clarity to questions you may have can also connect you with your intuition. Stay present and in tune with what is going on in your environment and always follow what brings you joy. Until next time, Believe. Change. Become.
Sending many blessings and much love your way!