The way to become one with the universe is to trust it.
As an inspirational speaker, I never know who will be in the audience to listen to my message of living a life of passion and purpose. When thinking about who my audience will be prior to a presentation, I always remind myself that the universe has a special way of putting the people who need to hear my message in the room. It never fails. I always have people who thank me for my presentation afterward because they needed to hear something I said. Last week I presented at a Women’s Bridal Event. This was a beautiful event for soon-to-become brides. There were over one hundred vendors and six women speakers at this event, myself included. I was a bit concerned ahead of time about how many women would come to listen to the presenters, because there would be so many amazing activities going on, but I decided to attend because I believe that all of my presentations will attract the individuals that need to hear my message. So, if five women show up, these are the women that needed to be there.   But in this instance, I was afraid that no one would show up to hear me speak because this event had  vendors selling dream honeymoons, beautiful cakes, glamorous wedding gowns—anything a bride needed to have the wedding of her dreams. There was even a bridal fashion show. The ladies at this event were celebrating that they recently got engaged. They were in a state of bliss. How could I possibly compete with that? And while all those activities were on the main floor, the speakers were on the bottom floor. I told myself that I would be very lucky if one or two women showed up. But when the time for my presentation came, eight women showed up! “Yay!” I told myself, these are the eight women I prepared this presentation for.  These were the women that needed to hear my message of living a life of passion and purpose on that day. I felt my presentation was a success, regardless of the number of women in the room. “How do I measure success?” you ask. I measure success, in part, by the fact that I had eight ladies in the room. But also, I believe there is a reason why we encounter everyone in our lives. I was reminded of this because many of the women told me they were glad they came to see me present. They said that they needed to listen to my message.  I believe that everything has a purpose and that you should always find blessings in whatever happens. I was grateful for the experience and for the connections I made with these women. It reaffirmed for me that people come into our lives for a reason and that we should pay attention to why they show up. Here are three tips on how to listen to what the universe is trying to tell you.
Listen to your gut.
 When I asked some of the women in the audience why they decided to come downstairs to the speaker’s room when the party was going on strong upstairs, they told me they felt it in their gut. There was something inside of them telling them they should come to hear me speak. Listen to that feeling, and if it feels right, go for it. Believe it or not, those feelings know more that your critical mind.
Pay attention to your surroundings.
Pay attention to your surroundings. Everything in your external environment is a potential sign. I have experienced that when I am wondering about or questioning something, I will stumble upon answers. The trick to listening to your surroundings is to fine-tune your attention to detail. To do that, you must be present. Be present by reconnecting to the hear and now. Work on one task at a time and stay focused on that task.
Take note of recurring experiences.
Pay attention to experiences that keep on showing up. It could be people, places, or things. For example, when I was an educator, I would be asked to participate in committees, workshops, and projects that involved developing character in students. I did not know then that the universe was trying to direct me into a career of personal development. I can see it clearly now. The universe always has a plan. It’s up to you to take note and figure out that plan.
In conclusion, the universe is speaking to you right in this moment. If you have stumbled upon this blog, maybe there is something I am intended to share with you that could inspire you to change your life. Recognizing and receiving information through signs depends on your willingness to see and listen to the signs all around you. Trust your gut feelings, and be alert to what the universe is trying to show you. Until next Monday, Believe. Change. Become.
Sending many blessings and love your way!
P.S. My book, Believe. Change. Become.: Remembering Who You Were Destined to Be, has been published. Check it out!