“Your mind can be your best ally or your worst enemy.
The thoughts that you feed your mind will determine which it becomes.”
—Nancy Salmeron
“You can either build or destroy anything in your life with your mind. Our mind can make up stories and scenarios that are not true. If you don’t watch your thoughts, you will bring to life many of your fears. Listen to and acknowledge your fears, but don’t believe everything you hear in your head,” I told a potential coaching client as we talked on the phone about her fears of leaving her current position to pursue a business in the food industry. She had mentioned that she had many fears in her head about all the things that could go wrong if she decided to pursue her dream of being a restaurant owner.
“I would love a guarantee that I am not making a mistake by quitting a secure job that has health benefits and a great retirement plan. I have a lot to lose. What are the odds of me being a success in the restaurant business?” she asked.
I answered her as follows, “I don’t believe that dreams or desires are mistakes. To succeed you must fail. There will be times when you will want to quit. There will be times when you may wonder and even have regrets about pursuing your dreams. As you fail, you will have people tell you that they ‘told you so.’ Being the captain of your own ship and going against the world’s expectations is not for the weak of heart; it takes courage. Fear is the reason why so many people conform. If you decide to accept the challenge of following your dreams, you will discover that something inside of you changes. If you stick around to see your dreams come true, you will become unrecognizable to yourself and those around you. Some will admire your new self; some will resent you. Making dreams come true is not about acquiring a certain life goal; the real prize is about who you become. No, I cannot guarantee instant success if you decide to pursue your dreams, but I can guarantee fulfillment, joy, and growth if you decide to take the challenge. You will need determination. I believe you have what it takes to make this life goal a reality, but in the end, you have to believe it is possible. So think about it and let me know how you would like to proceed.” As we ended the phone conversation, she promised to get back to me before the end of the week.
Today, let’s talk about how sometimes the worst place you can be is in your own head and how to change that. Here are three tips on controlling limiting beliefs that stop you from living a life of your creation.
Take a moment to acknowledge your negative mind.
It is important that you listen to your disgruntled thoughts that have legitimate concerns of failure when you are seeking to make a life goal or dream a reality. The thoughts that show up are there because your mind wants to keep you safe. Our minds don’t appreciate change. The negative thoughts will remind you that you have failed before and ask you why you would you want to take a risk again. Take the time to acknowledge these thoughts and assure your mind that you are capable of overcoming failure. Let the thoughts know that you see them, thank them for their concern, and send them off.
Your thoughts change dependent on your mood.
Let optimism and gratitude guide your life and influence your thoughts. When you focus on positivity and your blessings, your mind can’t help but bring you positive thoughts. Stay in gratitude, practice being patient, and push all fearful thoughts out of your mind.
You become what you repeatedly think.
What thoughts are taking space in your mind? Are you telling yourself that you are not worthy of your dreams or of a loving relationship? Are you thinking that you are not smart enough for your dream job? Retrain your mind by telling it only positive things that lift you up. Remind your mind that you are worthy of your dreams. Tell yourself how intelligent you are and why you are worthy of that amazing relationship that is waiting for you!
To be successful in life you must make your mind your ally. You do this by acknowledging your fears and negative thoughts, but then letting them go. You also must practice optimism, and invite gratitude in. Be aware of what thoughts are taking space in your head. Are they negative or positive? If you need guidance, feel more and think less. Check your emotions and change your state of negativity to positivity to transform your life. Believe only in the thoughts that fuel your happiness and joy. Until next time, Believe. Change. Become!
Sending blessings and love your way!