I did it! I accomplished my dream of becoming an author. I believe having a supportive tribe of amazing women and my awesome editor, Debbie Miller , contributed to me realizing my dream. The journey of becoming an author was not easy. I experienced many stumbles and falls on the road, yet the journey has been an adventurous and rewarding one. I learned a great deal about flexibility, patience, and perseverance. Writing a book was very therapeutic for me. The book I wrote, Believe. Change. Become. is my story of believing, changing, and becoming. The writing process reminded me of who I am and who I want to become. Writing this book validated that everything I have been through thus far has prepared me for who I am today. This is just the beginning for me. I have many more books to write and many more ways to grow and become. With all that said, I must be kind and gentle with myself. I must savor this moment, stay present, and be in the flow of life. To enjoy milestones, you must remember that reaching the goal is not the most important thing; rather it is learning to experience peace and contentment as you reach for your goal. Here are some tips on surrendering, staying present on your journey, and loving your destination.
Set your goals, but be mindful in your approach to how you acquire them.
I have a problem with people that hustle their way to their dreams. It is important to work on your goals everyday, but it’s also important to remember to enjoy life. Many dreamers forget that life will not stop because you are pursuing your dreams. People die and children grow up, so you must remember to spend time with the people you love. Toward the end of writing my book, I was so adamant that I wanted to finish that I avoided time with friends and family. Don’t get me wrong. You need to be mindful of your time, but don’t forget to live. Take time for the people and things you love. Make time for a coffee date with a friend. Spend time with your children. Call your parents. These are the little things that will become the big things when the people you love are no longer around.
Let go of perfection.
Stress can be caused by seeking perfection. Let’s get real. There is no such thing as perfection. Many people don’t pursue their dreams or goals because they believe that everything they do must be perfect. Perfection is an illusion. I have found that it’s better to get something started and put it out in the world than to never share because your project is not perfect. Perfection happens when you get your work out and improve it as time goes by. Please let go of perfection.
Things will fall apart, but you should trust the process.
Many things went wrong during the process of publishing my book. There were many days when I felt like giving up, but giving up is not part of my nature. When things fell apart, I had to trust the process. I had to learn the lesson and move on. As things fall apart with your dreams and goals, don’t despair. Keep on moving forward. It’s those unexpected detours that will provide better scenery for your journey.
Surrender it all and stumble into joy.
After you have dedicated your personal best to your dreams and goals, remember to surrender it all. I had to surrender expectations when dealing with my publishing company on more than one occasion. When I did that, I rediscovered joy. You will discover great peace when you surrender yourself to your God or the universe. I work hard on my desires, but there comes a time when I surrender to the universe. As I trust the universe to hold my desires, I receive more blessings than I had originally expected. Being reminded that you deserve much more than you originally thought is a perk of surrendering. Try it! Work for your desires, but then release them and see what happens.
Writing a book has been one of my biggest accomplishments. It was not easy, but I am glad I did it. Again, I am blessed that I had a wonderful tribe of women who supported me every step of the way. I am proud of my work, but I have learned to put less pressure on myself when I work on my goals and dreams. I have learned to trust the process, but most important, I have learned to trust and love myself more. Yes, believe in your dreams. Pursue your life goals. But remember to practice being present, being patient, and surrendering it all. Until next time, Believe. Change. Become.
Sending many blessings and love your way!
PS. Here is a link to my book. Check it out! http://www.balboapress.com/Bookstore/BookDetail.aspx?BookId=SKU-001112832