“Life gives you plenty of time to do whatever you want to do,
 if you stay in the present moment.”
Deepak Chopra
Last week I was asked to read some lines for a commercial.  It was great fun!  I ran into a friend who is very passionate about acting.  He is a phenomenal actor! As we tried to catch up on things, I felt his energy a bit low.  Understandably so, acting is one of the hardest professions that one can pursue.  There is a great deal of rejection.  There is a lot a wait time.  Yet, it can be one of the most rewarding professions, if it’s your true passion! I know he will be successful, because he has drive, professionalism, dedication but most of all he is one of the humblest people you will ever know.  I have seen his work and I can tell he was born for the big screen!  As I drove home, I could not stop thinking about him and his low energy.  I wish we could have had more time to chat so that I could assure him, that the doubts and fears are part of our journey when we pursue our passion.  I wanted to remind him that pursuing one’s dreams requires a great deal of courage and perseverance and that he has those qualities.  I wanted to also tell him that it is really not about reaching the peak of the mountain but it’s about being present and enjoying the journey!
Today I want to talk about staying present.  I also want to assure you that even when you feel that you are never going to reach the peak of the mountain, it’s never about the peak, but always about the journey! Let me also remind you that perseverance and courage will be required to accomplish your dreams.  Here are some tips on what to do until you reach that peak, or how to stay present in your journey so it can be more enjoyable!
Do one thing at a time.
Can you relate to moving from project to project and never savoring the moment? I am guilty of not finishing with a workshop or presentation and already focusing on the next one.  I have decided to focus on each and every project as if they were my babies.  I have to give all the love and dedication to each one of them and not want to be anywhere else.  I have learned to breath, relax and release all the worries and fears that may show up.  You need to realize that when you relax and breath you open the door for more positive and prosperous things to come into your life.  So take a deep breath, relax and focus on one task at a time, on one moment at a time.
Go with the flow.
Stop worrying and go with the flow!  Sometimes you have plans on what should have happened, but the reality is things don’t always happen the way you planned them.  Go with the flow and make the best of every situation. When you go with the flow you are not giving up on your goals or dreams, you are simply trusting that God may have a bigger and better plan for you.  In my experience this has always been the case!
Remind yourself to stay present and calm down.
One of my biggest challenges has always been to stop multitasking.  Multitasking does not help with being present.  Focus on what you are doing in the moment by telling yourself what you are doing.  For example, when you brush your teeth tell yourself, “I am brushing my teeth.” It sounds silly but that will get you back in the moment.  Another suggestion is to do things more slowly.  For this you have to know how to manage your time.  So may you need to get up a little early to fully take time with this.  Being present and savoring every moment is a true gift.
Pick a time to project into the future.
Looking to the past and wanting to change it is damaging to your self-esteem.  Always projecting to your future and wanting to get there is damaging to your soul.  This does not mean we don’t think about our goals and dreams.  What it means is that we don’t think about them all the time!  What I suggest is to dedicate sometime to daydreaming.  Dedicate 15-20 minutes a day to envisioning yourself as whom you want to become.  Feel it, smell it and it should be it! But remember to always come back and be grateful for all the amazing things in your life.
There are those times in in our journey when we feel as if we are never going to get to the peak of the mountain.  We fail to stay in the present moment and project ourselves at that peak, and get disappointed when we come down to reality.  The truth is that you will get to your destination if you have the dedication and perseverance.  But while you are on this path why not enjoy the present moment?  Look around you there are so many wonderful things to be grateful for!  Until next Monday, Believe. Change. Become!
