“Embrace the voice of the soul to live a life where fear takes a back seat and love and confidence becomes your true compass.”
-Nancy Salmeron
In my field of work, I teach individuals about the voice of the ego. I define the ego voice as the practical, rational and scared voice inside of you that believes it protects you from harm. The ego is the voice that compares yourself to others. It is what separates you from others. The ego is made up of past thoughts and negative experiences. The ego enjoys dwelling on things that have gone wrong in your life and enjoys putting fear to your future. I believe the intentions of the ego were not always bad. In the past the purpose of the ego was to ensure security and survival. It has been said that our ego protected us from the saber tooth tiger, back when we lived in caves. Fortunately, we don’t run into these types of dangers anymore. The ego is stuck in past mistakes and is fearful of the future failures. The ego is the pessimistic voice that wants to stop you from joy, because it’s essence is not happiness its essence is fear, the ego is what keeps you away from truly experiencing life. It does this by awakening your fears and inspiring self judgement on yourself and others. I believe that it is our life mission to tame our ego, emphasis on taming the ego, so that we can pursue dreams our purpose and live authentic life’s. In understanding what part, the ego plays in our life and silencing this voice we discover the voice of our soul. There are many people who have focused their full attention on the ego voice that never recognize the other voice that lingers on the background the voice of the soul. This is the voice of truth and confidence. It is also the voice the voice of love, patience and happiness. This subtle voice is a small whisper that gets lost in the loudness of the voice of the ego. The voice of the soul is always there wanting to guide you, encourage you and love you. It has watched you live in fear of what could go wrong in your life. It has whispered, “Believe in yourself,” “You got this!” But you did not hear it, because you were focused on the voice ego. Today let’s go deep to awaken the voice of the soul so that it can be your compass in this journey of life.
Understand the two voices.
Again, the initial purpose of the ego voice is to protect you from harm. It is fueled by negative thoughts it is fear based. This voice tells you that you can’t be a business owner. That you are not smart enough to apply for that new job. It will remind you of past failures and predict a dim future. The purpose of the soul voice is to bring love and peace into your life. The soul voice will never tell you how stupid or silly you are to believe in dreams. This voice reminds you that you have succeeded in the past. The voice of the soul assures that if you fail you have what it takes to get up. This voice brings comfort, confidence and joy to your present moment. Why not choose the voice of the soul?

The ego voice separates, but the voice of the soul unites.
When the ego takes lead, you separate yourself from others. It’s you against the world! Others are your enemies. You compete with them. You never feel good enough. Your ego voice if filled with judgment, holds grudges and never forgives. Again, it’s trying to protect you. When you listen to the voice of the soul you become more patient with others and yourself. Empathy is your guide to trying to understand other people’s actions. This voice reminds you that you are connected to others and that love, and patience is the link. The voice of the soul is speaking lightly but when you mute the voice of the ego it becomes music to your ears, and the feelings of confidence, trust and surrender appear.

The soul voice brings you to the here and now.
The voice of the soul wants to keep you in the present moment because the present moment is where life is. The ego voice is adamant about focusing your attention to your sad past or your dreadful future. It will remind you that you will fail again if you try, so why try at all? It will ask, “Who do you think you are?” Acknowledge the ego voice for wanting to keep you safe, but let it go. Listen to the voice of the soul, but don’t be fooled into believing that you can’t pursue dreams because you will fail. You may fail, but that does not make you a failure. You are only a failure when you don’t try. The voice of the soul is that confident voice that has no doubt that you will succeed. This voice tells you how amazing, intelligent and successful you are. Mute the voice of the ego and listen to the voice of the soul!

If you want to fulfil your true potential and live a life of passion and purpose you must tame and silence the voice of the ego so that the voice of the soul may lead. No, it’s not easy to ignore a voice that has dominated your thoughts with fear, pain, and agony for your whole life, but it’s possible. It starts with becoming aware of the voice of the ego. Looking at where the fear is coming from. Then you must assure the voice of the ego, you heard it, but it must go! To listen to the voice of the soul, you must get quiet and remember that you are amazing and that love, not fear should always be your guide in life. Embrace the voice of the soul to live a life where fear takes a back seat and love and confidence becomes your true compass. Until next time, Believe. Change. Become!
Sending many blessing and much love your way!