“I would rather die of passion than of boredom.”
-Vincent Van Gogh
Last week, at a networking event, someone asked me what I did for a living. I responded, “I help people come alive.” “How do you do that?” they then asked. “I help individuals identify their passion, so that they can pursue their life’s purpose,” I said. “Don’t you think passion is overrated?” they asked next. “No, I don’t think so,” I answered. “I believe that if people pursue their passion and live in purpose, they will find more meaning in their lives and be happier. According to a Gallup poll, seventy percent of people hate their jobs or are disengaged at work. I believe that when people do what they love, they give their best work and will never feel disengaged. These people understand that they are the creators of their lives. They have discovered the connection that their passion has with their life’s purpose, and they are always ready to give their gift to the world. I am passionate about empowering individuals, women specifically to believe that they can pursue their passion. Therefore, I don’t think living passionately is overrated.” The person asked me no more questions after that. Today, I want to talk about passion and how it is the gateway to a life of joy. Here are three tips for letting passion take the lead in your life.
Identify what brings you joy.
What brings me joy is empowering the human potential. I love seeing people pursuing what makes them come alive. I get chills when I see someone doing what they love for a living. I see the creativity in individuals when they are using their unique talents to help others. One person’s talent might be making jewelry. In making jewelry, they bring beauty and joy to others. Another person’s talent might be nursing and assisting in saving people’s lives. Again, using their gifts, they make this world a better place. What are your gifts? What brings you joy?
Put fear aside and pursue your passion.
I was afraid when I began pursuing my passion of personal development. I found it hard to leave a wonderful career as an educator to follow my purpose of personal development. My fearful ego voice tried to convince me many times that I should continue on my well-known path of teaching. It told me that there was nothing wrong with my life and that I was stupid for giving up a modest, but secure, income for something that had no real guarantees. Yes, I experienced sleepless nights when fear of the “what ifs” conquered me. I had no idea what it took to run a coaching business or how much work it required. However, if I was going to advise others to live their passion and I was not doing that myself, then I was being a hypocrite. So, I decided to take the plunge, leave my teaching position, and sink or swim! Disclaimer: I am not suggesting that you do what I did. I am suggesting that you take whatever step fits for you in pursing your passion.
Ask yourself, “What is the worst that could happen?”
Anything that is worthwhile requires some risk. In my mind, the worst that could happen when I decided to pursue my passion was that I would fail. That was scary! I continued to feel scared until I heard “The Strangest Secret” by Earl Nightingale. If you have not heard this recording, I recommend that you look it up. Earl Nightingale reminded me that I was failing if I was not doing what I was passionate about. He also says that one fails if we stop pursuing our dreams. It’s important to understand that you will stumble and fall, but you will succeed if you fall forward and keep on moving. Also, you must remember that sometimes your worst failure only happens in your mind.
To conclude, I want to remind you that you are amazing, and you should never settle for a dull life. Seek passion, not only in your romantic relationships, but in every aspect of your life. Look at your life. How have you handled setbacks? If you are reading this, you have survived many trials and tribulations, and here you stand. Don’t doubt the power of your soul. When you go after your passion, you will develop courage and strength. Fight to believe in your life’s purpose! Never doubt that you have what it takes to go after your dreams, because if you didn’t you wouldn’t have these desires to begin with. It will not be easy. Failure and pursuing your passion go hand in hand. However, you fail everyday if you are not doing what you love. So, keep your head up, Buttercup, and follow your passion. Until next time, Believe. Change. Become.
Sending many blessings and love your way!