“Sometimes surrendering means giving up trying to
understand and becoming comfortable with not knowing.”
Have you ever tossed and turned all nightlong wondering if you would get a job that you applied for, or if a business deal would come through? This used to happen to me in the past. I would wake up tired, because I had been tossing and turning, wondering if a speaking or coaching contract would or would not happen. I would often feel anxious, scared, and tired, until I finally concluded that I had to surrender to not knowing. I have had a tough time with surrendering, because I learned that I must never give up and that I must fight till the end. I teach this to my clients all of the time. Yet, there is so much power in letting go and trusting the universe that no matter what happens we will be okay. We live under this illusion that we can control everything that happens in our lives, but I have news for you. We can’t. When you try to control things outside of your control, you are exhibiting a fear-based mentality. It’s natural to have some doubts and worries about your world, but they don’t make things any better. In my case, worrying about whether I would get speaking and coaching contracts used to take away my peace of mind. Now, I don’t worry about rejections, or “no’s.” I see them as detours to the possibility of something better. I have learned to surrender and trust that everything is working in my favor. I believe that only the right doors will open, and that I must trust and be patient. Today, let’s talk about letting go and surrendering your desires to the universe, so that you may find more joy and peace in your journey to success.

To surrender does not mean to give up.
To surrender is to have faith in something greater than yourself. Surrendering is telling your source to take the wheel because you have done everything in your power to accomplish your goal or dream. When you surrender, you are giving up fear. Many of us have believed that when you let go, you are giving up. The truth is that you are giving the universe an opportunity to have your back. You are trusting that whatever happens is part of a better plan for your life. Something awaits you that is more amazing than what you originally dreamt of. Do everything that you can to acquire your dreams and goals. Then understand that there is power in letting your source, the universe, take over.

Let go of expectations.
In accordance with the law of attraction, we are energy, and the energy you send out will be reflected back onto you. When you have no attachment to a specific result or outcome, you open yourself up to all sorts of wonderful possibilities. Letting go of expectations and the struggle to control outcomes will bring you peace and calm. And you will be amazed at what the universe has in store for you!

Conquer your fears.
It takes courage to surrender. What do you fear will happen if you let go? In my case, I felt that if I did not worry about a business deal, I would lose it. The truth is that I was letting fear control me. I still don’t know what will happen with any of my business ventures, but I know that I will be fine no matter what happens. Conquer your fears by surrendering any doubts that everything will work out for the best. In the end, everything works out for the best, or it’s not the end.

To let go is to set yourself free.
I feel so relieved and free. I am no longer the prisoner of “what ifs.” I am content and excited about what will be. You need to set yourself free by surrendering any doubt. Let it go. Go with the current and not against it. Life is not that hard; we make it hard by trying to control everything in it. Trust in the universe—in your source. Know that life wants only the best for you!
I am a work in progress. I had been taught to fight to the end, and this brought a great deal of resistance into my life. As I learn to trust that the universe is my friend and that it has my back, I discover more joy and peace. Letting go has not been easy, yet it has made me wiser. Let go of the fears that hold you back, and have faith that the universe has your best interests in mind. Foster the positive energy of surrender, and let go of the toxic energy of controlling to live a peaceful, joyous life. Until next Monday, BELIEVE. CHANGE. BECOME!
Sending many blessings your way!

 [DM1]Boy, is this true!