“The Fears We Don’t Face Become Our Limits.”
Robin Sharma
I was blessed to have attended a Celebrating Women & Wealth workshop in Santa Barbara, California this weekend! I learned a lot about my beliefs about money and how to not put all my financial eggs into one basket. I also rediscovered the power of belief and how belief can dictate your financial status. It was a very powerful workshop that reminded me that, “Life is and adventure and we need to let PASSION be our guide.” I loved everything about this workshop, but truly appreciated the times we had to work with a group. I learn a lot about myself when we get an opportunity to collaborate with others. In this particular case, I learned a great deal about fear and self-worth.
In one of the many fun activities we had to do in this workshop, we had to get together with a group of wonderful women to make up a song that had some of the concepts we had learned. My group was a group of five exceptional women. Three of us were natural born leaders. Two of the women did not have these aspirations. The challenge was that one of our fearless leaders wanted to direct the whole show, without involving any of the other members. The other fearless leader and I, were not going to go down quietly. We quickly stepped in and took charge by giving our opinion and suggesting that we should all be given an opportunity to give input to the song. One of the members of the group who did not share a passion for being a leader, was becoming very uncomfortable with the situation. She had made up her mind that she was not going to participate, but I could not have that! It is my belief that we can all contribute with our special gifts and talents to any situation. One of the other awesome leaders and I encouraged her to participate and we discovered that this gave her confidence to become the actual leader of the group! In the end she was the true leader. She was more musically inclined than all of the members of the group, myself included. So guess what happened? She flourished in the group! She was calling all the shots and in essence she became the true leader.
So what did I learn from this? I learned that we all have something to contribute to any group and that leaders are made by giving support to others. Also, when I asked our new found leader if she was happy to have participated, she said she was glad she did. In today’s blog I want to talk about the importance, of doing things that stir fear in you, or “doing it afraid!” I also want you to remember that YOU always have something to contribute to any group, situation or the world.
Why do it AFRAID?
You need to take risks and ignore the fear! When I conquer my fears I rediscover my strength. By doing this my dreams become less restricted. Also, when I act in despite of fear, I always come out it feeling powerful, wiser and more confident. I hope my new friend who shall remain nameless, remembers this activity and remembers that she has something to offer and that she too is a leader! Something else I also learned is that leaders only lead when they bring out the best in others.
You have something special to contribute.
You have something special to contribute to every situation, event or life. In your life you will encounter natural born leaders that may make you feel that you have nothing to contribute, but remember we all have something special that needs to be shared. Don’t ever feel intimidated by someone that you may think is smarter than you. We all need each other and you have something special that you need to share with the world. You have knowledge and self-experiences that differ from others that can be a contribution to any group!
As I already mentioned I had a wonderful weekend, made wonderful friends and learned a lot managing money and about my leadership style. Please don’t forget to face your fears, because every time you act in spite of your fears you will grow stronger. Every time you overcome a fear, you are closer to your true BECOMING. Also, don’t forget that you have something special to offer to a group, situation and the world. Until next time, Believe. Change. Become!