“Get comfortable with not knowing how your dreams will manifest, 
but believe with all your heart that they will become a reality.”
—Nancy Salmeron
I saw a quote by Carl Jung that read, “If the path before you is clear, you are probably following someone else’s path.” This quote made me reflect on my path. I saw how unclear and ambiguous my path of becoming an author, inspirational speaker, and coach has been these past four years. I am constructing my own path and this has reinforced my determination, dedication, and commitment to my journey. I have learned to be patient with myself and be grateful to all the beautiful people and life experiences I have stumbled onto as I pursue my dreams. Yet, it has not been easy.
In the beginning of my journey to believing, changing, and becoming I detested the feeling of not having a road map on how to fulfill my goals so I could make my dreams come true. I hated not knowing where I needed to apply for presentation jobs or to seek out potential coaching clients. As an educator, my clients were my students and they came to me. If I sought to change positions or transfer to another school to be a teacher, all I needed to do was go to the school district office and apply. I felt relief working in education knowing that I had a compass or road map of steps to take. Four years into my current, always-obscure journey, I still don’t have a road map or compass for my journey of believing, changing, and becoming. But guess what? I have learned to accept that although the journey to our dreams is ambiguous and vague, there is a purpose for the uncertainty. An uncertain and ambiguous existence transforms hope, trust, and surrender into a compass. I am a firm believer that embarking on a journey of believing, changing, and becoming will inspire you to make your own road map, which eventually will allow your inner knowing to become your compass. Today, I want to give you three tips on how to manage the ambiguity of the journey to your dreams.

Accept that uncertainty is part of the journey to your dreams.
Wikipedia defines uncertainty as, “the state of having limited knowledge where it is impossible to exactly describe the existing state, a future outcome, or more than one possible outcome.” When you are pursuing your dreams, please be quick to accept that uncertainty will keep you company on your journey. Get comfortable with not knowing how your dreams will manifest, but believe with all your heart that they will become a reality.

Your inner compass will guide you, if you are dedicated and persevere.
Be certain that if you dedicate time and are patient with your desires, your dreams will become a reality. Many people stop believing in their dreams, because they stop working towards them. Have the dedication and perseverance to not back down when your journey becomes dark and dim. Your inner compass will help guide your way. Understand that the challenge of not knowing or seeing the road ahead is part of making your desires a reality. As you persevere and are not discouraged by that lack of clarity, you discover the strength of who you are.

Trust that where you are and what you are doing is perfect for the creation of your dreams.
Trust and surrender to the concept that everything is working in your favor. Even if you feel that you are stagnant or are not moving in the direction of your dreams, you must believe the opposite. I know personally that when doubt starts knocking at your door, it makes it hard to believe in yourself. But trust that you are where you need to be. Believe that everything that you are doing for your dreams is perfect to get you to your dreams. All is working in your favor, beautiful one. Simply believe, trust, and surrender.

When you are pursuing your own path and not following anybody else’s path, you won’t have a road map and your life will become ambiguous and unclear. Don’t feel guilty if you want to give up on your dreams, but please don’t give up. I know the challenges of not knowing with certainty if you will ever get to the peak of your mountain, but keep on, keep on! Nobody said pursuing your dreams would be easy, but when it gets dark and dim, please follow your inner compass of hope, trust, and surrender. Remember, your inner compass always knows the way and has been waiting for you to let it guide you. Until next time, Believe. Change. Become.