“There is a voice that doesn’t
use words. Listen.”
To balance the roles of mother, wife, and business owner, I need to connect deeply to my soul through listening to my intuition, or what I call the “spirit voice.” I have noticed that if I get busy and neglect this voice, I feel confused, tired, lost, and sad. The spirit voice knows what steps I need to take in my relationships, career, and business. All that is required from me to access this voice is to silence myself so that it may be heard. As I continue my passion of personal development and inspirational speaking, I am getting more comfortable with my spirit voice. This quiet, subtle voice has whispered to me when something is wrong with an individual or a life choice. The spirit voice, or what some call our intuition, will also guide you in deciding if you want to take a grand leap of leaving a bad relationship, or a bad job. Here are three tips on how you can be guided by your powerful spirit voice. When you allow yourself to be guided by your spirit voice, you will be amazed at how your true path appears and the negative chatter disappears.
Trust your gut.
You have heard, “Trust your gut feeling,” right? Well, it’s that gut feeling I like to call your spirit voice. It’s the voice that tells you to take another road. Your spirit voicewill advise you to leave that bad relationship or that bad job. It’s also the feeling that makes you uncomfortable with some people, but you can’t point out why. Trust that feeling; listen to that voice. Your spirit voice knows more than you will ever understand. It has seen your future and understands what your true path is. Trust your spirit voice, because it knows the way!
Meditation results in clarity.
When I meditated this morning, I could silence my negative voice, or what I call my ego voice, easier than some other days. I felt more alert. When I meditate for at least ten minutes a day, I notice that my spirit voice becomes a bit louder—not obnoxious and loud like my ego voice, but a bit louder and clearer. If you already meditate, you understand what I mean. If you don’t meditate, it will take practice to learn, but if you dedicate some time you will eventually get there. There are many resources online about how to meditate. I will offer some tips in future blogs. But for now, try to stay still for ten minutes, clear your mind, and focus on nothing. See what pops up. If negative, fearful thoughts appear, it’s the ego working on your mind. If loving, beautiful thoughts appear, it’s your spirit voice, your intuition. Go there!
Let the right voice guide you.
How do you know which voice is guiding you? As I already mentioned, the ego voice may be louder and obnoxious. The spirit voice may be calmer and subtle. Your reliable voice is the one that is affirming, but not necessarily loud. You feel a sense of calm and that you will be okay—that the universe has your back. On the other hand, the ego voice will remind you of your insecurities and can be cruel and demeaning. The ego voice wants to keep you a prisoner of the known and comfortable. You probably heard this voice if you considered whether or not to leave a career that no longer fulfilled you. Your ego voice is lying to you when it tells you that you are not worthy of a new or better relationship. Which voice is governing your life choices?
Being intuitive and letting your spirit voice guide you is not always easy. It’s not easy because the spirit voice is not the most rational voice. Being rational is the role of the ego voice. The ego voice limits possibilities by telling you that you are not worthy of a dream or desire. Don’t despair. If you silence your mind and learn to love yourself, the spirit voice will step in to remind you that you are capable and worthy of all your dreams. So, you see, you have two different voices fighting to get your attention. One voice is loud and full of fear, and the other is calm and full of love and possibilities. It is your task to uncover the true voice that will guide you to your destiny. May it be the voice of your spirit ! Until next Monday, Believe. Change. Become.
Sending many blessings and love your way!