The avoidance of negative emotions has been said to be the shortest path to happiness and joy,
but if you don’t deal with negative emotions they may cause psychological problems,
whichin the long run may postpone true joy.
—Nancy Salmeron
Have you ever felt that you needed to cry but didn’t understand why? You look around, count your blessings, see how lucky you are to have a wonderful life and feel guilty about these confusing emotions that linger in your heart. This may be because you have suppressed or avoided negative, unpleasant emotions. As an advocate of positive self-talk and optimism I understand how our mind and our thoughts play with our emotions and how we must conquer negative emotions. However, I also understand that negative emotions should be acknowledged and felt. They serve a purpose and can help us grow. Yes, being happy should be our goal, but sadness, pain, and discomfort are stepping stones to happiness. Nothing is ever wasted. We need to appreciate all our emotions and pay attention to what our negative emotions are trying to tell us. For the most part, I believe that emotions that bring us discomfort are only trying to heal us.
Yes, avoiding painful emotions can bring a quick fix to the present moment, but just because we suppress or hide them does not mean they disappear, they will eventually surface. Negative emotions don’t feel good, but they also make us feel alive. I have learned that when I try to avoid painful emotions, I never fully heal. The avoidance of negative emotions has been said to be the shortest path to happiness and joy, but if you don’t deal with negative emotions they may cause psychological problems, which in the long run may postpone true joy. Avoidance of painful emotions is a short-term solution for long-term pain. As I try to heal myself and understand what all my emotions are trying to tell me, I am reminded that avoidance of painful feelings will make matters worse. Emotional avoidance involves not dealing with the truth. If we see weeds in our garden, we can’t say they don’t exist. When we acknowledge that they exist, we are better prepared to pull them out. As you seek within and accept your wounds, see them for what they are, and you will know how to heal them. As I accept that shit happens, things fall apart, and I must deal with painful emotions, I see beauty. I see how beautiful and resilient the soul becomes if you let it immerse itself in the pain. Give your soul the opportunity to grow by uncovering the pain and trying to understand the lessons you need to learn from your pain. All of us encounter negative and painful emotions as part of the human experience. But will you choose to embrace disappointment, sadness, and despair, or will you choose to ignore these emotions? Here are some ideas on how to embrace negative emotions. They have a message for you and are here to teach you something about yourself and life.
Yes, avoiding painful emotions can bring a quick fix to the present moment, but just because we suppress or hide them does not mean they disappear, they will eventually surface. Negative emotions don’t feel good, but they also make us feel alive. I have learned that when I try to avoid painful emotions, I never fully heal. The avoidance of negative emotions has been said to be the shortest path to happiness and joy, but if you don’t deal with negative emotions they may cause psychological problems, which in the long run may postpone true joy. Avoidance of painful emotions is a short-term solution for long-term pain. As I try to heal myself and understand what all my emotions are trying to tell me, I am reminded that avoidance of painful feelings will make matters worse. Emotional avoidance involves not dealing with the truth. If we see weeds in our garden, we can’t say they don’t exist. When we acknowledge that they exist, we are better prepared to pull them out. As you seek within and accept your wounds, see them for what they are, and you will know how to heal them. As I accept that shit happens, things fall apart, and I must deal with painful emotions, I see beauty. I see how beautiful and resilient the soul becomes if you let it immerse itself in the pain. Give your soul the opportunity to grow by uncovering the pain and trying to understand the lessons you need to learn from your pain. All of us encounter negative and painful emotions as part of the human experience. But will you choose to embrace disappointment, sadness, and despair, or will you choose to ignore these emotions? Here are some ideas on how to embrace negative emotions. They have a message for you and are here to teach you something about yourself and life.
Make the choice to welcome all emotions.
Happiness and joy are the easiest emotions to accept. These emotions make us feel great. But what about pain and suffering? Why do we avoid them? Suffering and pain are emotions that don’t make us feel good, so we hide from them by ignoring them or use substances to mask the pain. Welcoming and accepting all emotions have advantages. The first advantage is that you see that weeds exist. You are accepting the truth of your situation. The second advantage is that you are giving yourself a chance to do something about the weeds. You are being proactive by acknowledging these emotions.
Why does it hurt?
As you accept the weeds or the pain you need to ask yourself, why does it hurt? You are giving yourself a chance to learn something about your emotions. Become familiar with your pain by discovering why it needed to be there. Does it still need to be there? Avoidance of pain does not teach you anything. It simply postpones the healing process. Avoiding your negative emotions is like having a deep wound and trying to cover it up with a band-aid. A deep wound needs attention and may need more than a band-aid to heal.
Accept the pain so you can grow.
Once you have welcomed all your emotions and understand why it hurts, acceptance is the key to healing. Accepting what is, means you understand that you can handle anything. Negative emotions are not pleasant, but they won’t kill you. Experience them as they are and welcome them into your life as teachers of growth. This is how you should view them. When you accept and learn why a negative emotion has come into your life, you take its power away. You will learn the lesson and grow.
To live a full life is to feel and embrace all your emotions. Pain, sadness, frustration, and anger are all-natural emotions that can teach us how to be better human beings. If you suppress these powerful and important emotions, you are held back from learning who you truly are. Take time and learn and grow with these emotions. Seek professional help if you need to. Painful emotions are here to teach you something about yourself and life. Embrace them. Until next time, Believe. Change. Become.
Sending many blessings and much love your way!